WET Community Lounge #Eternity

“I like the Tux Look. You will get there in time.”

“I am well. Slept okay. Had strange dreams, again, but that is usual.”

I usually never remember my dreams, but when I was taking pain medication for the kidney, I would dream weird dreams as well. I stopped the pain medications since I’m mostly not in pain anymore.

Yesterday shocked me. I did all that laundry, like 8 loads, and no pain. :slight_smile:

Oh, and I’m saving LIKEs for one more day in case you were wondering :sunglasses:

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“I never remember the full dream, just bits and pieces occasionally. Those bits and pieces get real weird.”

Oooo if the bits are weird, I can just imagine what the full dream would be. You might be dreaming the script for an entire horror/scifi movie each night. :sunglasses:

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“Or dreaming about horrors from my past.”

Makes sense, but making a movie about that can be very cathartic and a source of healing. Most genius artists have horrors from their past that they channel into their art.

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“My story would be banned, WORLD WIDE. It’s THAT bad.”

comforting hug
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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/tentacle hug
/shy smile

Well, I’m almost at exalted with the Forsaken so I can get my mount. :dancer:

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“Well done. Next comes Rivendare’s.”

I’m gonna run that place so much that other players will notice a trench in the ground from my frequent visits! :rofl:

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“On a Rogue, you can stealth past most of the random junk, too.”

There was something from that place that i farmed but i cant remember what it was.


I love rogue!! :sunglasses:

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I love Rogue because I can shoot a guy in the face. I do miss cannonball barrage though.

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“I miss that one too. And a few others they stole from us.”

“That’s gonna leave a mark!” :rofl:


You just feel like a boss ordering your crew to rain down heavy artillery. My rouge Taramis is keeping that and his airship. Screw you Blizz.

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“How do they get to keep it?”