“That’s what I heard.”
I found a video of 10 fainting scenes. Some of them are hilarious!
Seems to be a stress/fear reaction.
“Like an instinctive defense.”
Yes, exactly.
“I LOVE how Mother Nature protects her own.”
OMFG!!! I’m still laughing at the one with the cat and the escalator!!!
OMFG!!! Still laughing at it!!!
I’m gonna hurt myself from the laughter!!!
yeah dont want to do that lol
Cats can be such arrogant jerks!!!
I love them!!
clears throat
Umm, ok, I’m fine now.
Oh yeah. Every life form has it’s defense mechanism.
i ran out of likes
I’m shocked I haven’t yet, but I bet it’s right around the corner. lol
Ok, I’m getting tired.
Time for bed.
All of you in here are awesome and thank you for accepting this crazy person with “issues”. You’re all in my heart.
some nice class ideas here
“I was raised with cats. My first cat slept at my feet, in my crib. The most cats I have owned, at one time, was over 25. Presently I have three black ones. I know ALL TOO WELL how CRAZY they can get.”
and goodnight from me
“Sleep well.”
/tentacle hug