How goes the leveling
How goes the leveling
“Slowly but surely. Since the Blood Elf Heritage Armor has been released, I plan on leveling one of mine next. Maybe even my Dwarf, for the same reason.”
Cool, the belf set did look good
I guess I get a chance at a 2nd alliance usable Kodo
“I haven’t actually SEEN it yet, I don’t think.”
He looks like a pack Kodo. Just something cute about him
“I was referring to the Armor.”
ooopsie. not enough coffee yet, so I’m still stuck in first gear
/comforting hug
and 3 meetings on the calender too…maybe I can stay asleep
“Napping at the meetings?”
yep, I pulled something I saw the facebook dude do with his own laptop. I put a stickynote over the camera portion of my laptop so that they can never see me doing eyerolls or drifting off during these meetings
I do have one peer who knows what I think of meetings, she pulled a save my first meeting with this place by passing me hot tamale candies to help me stay awake /giggle
She has even figured out my fake smile when I dont have my hearing aides in and really can’t hear what others are talking about
“Sounds like a good friend, to me.”
Dang, chilly morning. even the coffee is cooling quick
“Sounds like you need an Electric Cup Warmer. They actually make them, they are neat.”
“I can’t post regular links, so I sent it to you via Battle Tag.”
battle tag is best
looks nice
Tempting too. Reheated in the microwave just isnt the same
“Exactly, and the second one pictured even plugs into the computer to operate.”
I go thru a bit of coffee and tea too.