WET Community Lounge #Eternity

another of ChrisP’s lost-in-PVP toons comes in and drinks away his sorrows at the bar.

Lisun ruffles Malfonce’s hair.
Hope that isn’t too rude of me.

falls down a flight of stairs

after ruffling Malfoncé’s hair, the hand that touched the hair suddenly shrivels up and Lisun is left with a stump where the hand was

Malfoncé calmly continues with her work

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cries, dies

from my table I notice him fall down dead

gets up from the table and heads over to Lisun’s corpse and speaks to it

Lisun can actually hear the voice of Malfoncé
Lisun, would you like me to bring you back, leave you there, or take you away with me?

Felodal enters silently and surveys the room, his eyes stop on Malfoncé, he is amused. He crosses over to her and sits, waiting to be noticed.

comes into the lounge covered in smoke and a few embers


resurrects after running back from spirit healer
is miserable

displays a nod and speaks to Lisun once again

I see there is some wisdom in you after all.

smiles and returns to her table
gathers up her things and disappears in a puff of smoke

Realizes that Malfoncé has disappeared without even acknowledging him and turns to the singed human What happened to you?

Steps through her demonic Gateway and into the lounge. Makes her way to the bar, and pours herself a shot of Bourbon, make that two shots of Bourbon. Downs both shots then walks over and flops down onto one of the many sofas. Waves her hand before her face… “11…12… 13… hmmm… 9… 10…”

What did you do now?! >_>

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puts the embers out
dragons are outside again…

Well they wouldn’t attack if you’d stop trying to use them as insta ovens for chili fries -.-

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That is not true!
i just…

was taking some of there scales and claws…

Rubs eyes… rubs eyes again… “By the light I’m so drunk I’m seeing Kalithos.”

Twitch twitch

Well in that case…


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Whats worse, taking a few scales and claws?

it’s not like they needed it in there mass graveyard near there tower!

shakes his head clearly Hawke you dunno how territorial dragons can be,I swear when you aren’t hitting on my nurses,you’re getting neck deep in trouble.