WET Community Lounge #Eternity

flexes on new ZA Pally

How is everyone? I’m getting used to how sloppy tanking on a pally feels.

(is Buttons posting)

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i’m sad
hope you’re well, Buttons
I haven’t tanked much on a pally… highest prot pally is like level 50 I think

I’ve been sick for a few days but I’m getting better.

I’m used to a Warrior where I can make precise deisions and execute well on exactly what I want. Pally AoE and mob movement is just …sloppier.

Pally AM also feels strange, I’m not a fan of SotR being more of an ‘emergency’ button than Shield Block is.

It’s all just practice imo


I got nothing to say

wish blizz didn’t segregate xpoff toons in pvp
even though I don’t xpoff twink. what blizz did just feels wrong to me

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If a player wants to invest time to make a ‘twink’ why not actually challenge people with it’s play?

Seems kind of shallow to just make a chracter to steamrolll through others because you have that kind of time to waste.

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Agreed,challenge is more fun than one sides curb stomps the rare moments I dabble in PVP. It’s more fun when your opponent has more of a chance to fight back as it’s about skill rather than being geared to the gills. :stuck_out_tongue: A wise decision indeed as it culls the pseudo internet tough guys and brings in more peeps to try BGs.

part of being a skilled player is being geared i think players who dedicate them selfs to it deserve the advantage

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Curbstoming people is also fun.

At least to me.

And no, I don’t mean Seth’s finishing move


I dunno… it encouraged me to get enchants on my looms … and really the difference between an enchanted, loomed, occasional dungeon running and often quest completing leveler and a xp locked twink wasn’t THAT big really in most brackets.

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looms are underpowered now they’re good for leveling but not so much twinking anymore

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Well regardless IMO,it’s for the best,past experiences I’ve seen twinks act like the biggest jerks bullying even their own teammates and it isn’t fun having to put up with some dink who acts like they’re hot poo and everyone else sucks but them. If it helps curb the toxicity the WoW community suffers from and reduces bullying while promoting the “play nice play fair movement” I’m all for it.

I tend to call it surfy smash :slight_smile:

but yeah, is fun :slight_smile:

i started a mage i’m liking it so far


door slowly opens and a shadowy figure with a shinny monocle stand in the doorway

she steps forward and it’s Malfoncé holding a briefcase

she heads for a table, sits down, opens up the briefcase and takes out some parchment and an inkwell with quill


have a good night folks. been a long but good day :slight_smile:


Didn’t mean to scare you off, but good night.


no scare. was tending bar at church function

surfy sleepy :slight_smile:


Likala buys Malfoncé a drink.


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I know, just messing. :slight_smile:

Have a good rest. :heart:

…and in case you didn’t notice, I’m back?


looks up from all the contracts in front of her and orders a gin martini with three olives
Thank you.

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