Oh ok, well “good morning” then
Anything on your agenda for the game today? I’m going nuts with fun from archeology. I’m a profession hound.
“Just some leveling, and finishing up my Panda Land Mount Runs, that I didn’t have time for last night.”
Seems we are both in the same boat. Leveling and stuff.
I have a new reason to play, for the Professor title.
“I believe I have that one.”
I’ve just started archeology so I have a loooong way to go, but it should tide me over until classic comes out.
Apparently i cannot sue a forsaken for burning my stuff.
they say “We can’t sue someone of a different faction just because they hate you, however we can send up a wanted poster.”
Elias exposes a turnbuckle pad. Then gets irish whipped into it.
“You can, if you get a Goblin Attorney. They have ones that are mainly neutral.”
He killed the last one .-.
“Then we can arrest him for that.”
they tried but honestly they found a knife on him and went with that…
pretty sure he planted it, but i cannot prove it nor would they take my word.
“They found a knife on the Attorney? That is nothing new. EVERYONE carries knives, in this world.”
Ya, but with the horde they apparently said “He had a knife on him! HE DIED HONORABLY! PRAISE THIS WARLOCK!”
“Wait he’s a warlock??? Don’t praise him. spit on his boots an walk away…”
“You clearly were NOT dealing with Professionals.”
“Ever heard the term, ‘A Kangaroo Court’?”
this made me lol
…well i mean he was a Die-hard sylvanas loyalist so they slapped em on the wrist an let em go from what i heard.
“Well, maybe if you didn’t talk so badly about her, it might have gone better for you.”
let’s be honest…
she would hate me regardless.