WET Community Lounge #Eternity

its an older game at this point

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Kind of a knights thing. cool :smiley:

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Florence made a goodbye post if your not familiar it’s one of the fue actual nice people of gd

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yeah, that was one of the better fare well’s I’ve read

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sorry if im being a downer today

naw, I see where Florence found strength in the community. For the amount of discrimination she could be subject to that was good to hear :slight_smile:


She’s awesome!
Her and I have a few things in common. We had a bit of a chat about a few personal things, although I had a different character when we did. :sunglasses:

OMG yes!
She’s a sassy smartass with a heart of gold who can give them all hell when needed, yet remain respectful and funny at the same time. :laughing:

…oh and in case you missed it, umm…I’m back. :sunglasses:

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we all have one thing in common here we are all gamers although that seems to be lost most of the time thats how i always look at it

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This is very true.

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Hawkéns has a fun thread in GD! :laughing:

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most often times wow goodbuys aren’t really goodbuys
the game always tends to pull you back in eventually


For Mr H, I’ll take a peek :smiley:

Very very and one more very true :slight_smile:

Is an overall fun game and a cheap hit on the entertainment budget. It just has some dead moments it seems

So very true. A while ago, I did a serious search for a new mmorpg, and this is still the best one out there. I just wish they would add TRUE housing. Not the stupid Garrison, but REAL housing.

slowly descends from the ceiling slowly too dig in the fridge

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shakes head wondering why Hawkéns thinks he’s a spider

Takes a handful of food, an tugs on rope and is slowly pulled upwards

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/starts singing

The itsy bitsy Hawkens climbs up the fridge door

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yes, we see you are on a mission

carry on
