WET Community Lounge #Eternity

“Show me a way to grow another Undercity, as easily as they can grow another Tree.”
/tears up

the horrible writers create a story thread where the goblins come up with a toxic cleaner to clean up the city, or one of the old gods down stream as a reward for some noble forsaken effort restore’s the Dark Lady’s city to it’s former glory.

If they can have horde tanks that can’t take down a wintergrasp wall in 10 min suddenly be able to take down the world tree - there is no limit to their bad writing

Then of course there is the highlander 2 option, for the next xpac they forget this one even happened

but yeah, I feel your pain too /hug


I mean…Myorga lost her home too…to the Foresaken and their plagues. So maybe a tiny part of her is glad that the Undercity got razed. She’s an old Gilnean soldier and still very angry about what happened with Liam and all of Gilneas.

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yeah, that’s where they kind of blew it on this one.

Times change, sure. But some folks have attachments to a particular part of the game. Just blowing them up don’t work, and blowing them up with really weak writing aint helping. I effectively lost Darkshore in Cat, and lost the tree in this xpac. yeah, I’m happy they wrote some nobility into my peeps at the dark hour - but I kinda would rather not have gone that path :slight_smile:)

Just look at how many long timers out there we’ve lost this xpac like Cannibal, Snowfox and such :frowning: I feel bad for the horde regular folk. They really didn’t need even the hint of a Garosh 2.0, so I’m hoping there is a really good payoff for them at the end of this story

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now as to folks who enjoy the xpac. I do wish them happiness. I really do :smiley:

For me I’m focusing on proffessions, getting the kitty mounts and maybe a couple of outfits - oh and pet battles too, till things get better

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oh and I created a little sneak over on wyrmrest. Going to check out you RP folks :smiley:

I don’t mind staying in the little world till life gets better :smiley:


Nordrassil was grown by the Aspects as a result of the “new” Well of Eternity created by Illidan’s stolen water. Teldrassil was grown by Druidic magic (more or less), and had been suffering from Nightmare corruption ever since.

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it was such a cozy home too. One of the things I’m looking forward to in classic is how the intro zone took longer than 5 min to clear :slight_smile: the quests just felt more complete and less filler

and finally

after having run LFR regularly in panda land and legion, I can safely say those who try are not LFR losers, they be LFR heros.

Anyone can run with a fine tuned guild. Takes special people to join a group with afk healers, hunters who leave their pet taunt on and mages who pull too early and not lose your mind :smiley:


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Blizz fixed that. I have to manually turn it back on in dungeons and raids now.

Elune be praised :smiley:

You know how many blankety blank times in Pandaria I had hunters pulling too soon in lfr /groan


yeah it’s nice, 'cause now I can choose when to pull off the tank if he’s dying and the healer is struggling to keep him alive. Makes Hunters that much better if they know what they’re doing.

And with my little pet Crawg, I can tank adds quite well. Boss attacks, not so much. :sweat_smile:


yeah, a good hunter can be priceless.

For the few times I ran normal though, even with a social guild - found it less stressful than LFR

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If I moved my little nelfy drood to Elwyn and just took up skinning while checking out the community, would that be a bad place to start on an RP server?

Depends on the server, honestly. A lot of your RP is going to happen at the player hubs, so Stormwind, Boralus, etc.

Aevelamue basic backstory she is a former scarlet crusader and War-crazed outcast Among the Citizens of stormwind she can not be fully trusted so she is currently a low ranked guard always under close supervision she aspires to one day be a hi ranked knight of the stormwind army and his secret ambitions that one day the crusade will rise again

Myorga’s backstory: She is the daughter of a local butcher in Gilneas City. Heartbroken and alone (ignored by a boy and her friends died in a tragic sea accident) she turned to a life in the military. She served under Greymane as a scout sniper and quickly rose to the rank of Captain as she performed her duties. Developed severe PTSD during the worgen invasion and often drank herself to sleep at night just so she could rest. Got super drunk one night, missed a fatal shot on a worgen beast. Said beast charged her and tore up her body pretty badly and left her for dead. (un)Fortunately, she survived and was turned in to a worgen as well. She stayed away from everyone until she was eventually caught and tamed and given a second chance at life by her people. Life was grim and she never saw her human face in a mirror again as the blood that flowed in her veins was more curse than blood.

Faaaaaassst forward to the Legion invasion and a super nice Tauren druid helped her tame her inner demons and regain control of her humanity. Now, rocking the tender age of 43 (yeah she’s old enough to be Anduin’s mom! lol), she roams Azeroth in service to Anduin and Greymane, seeking out the lost and needy and doing whatever she can to aid the people of the Alliance.

Sorry if this is a long post, but it seemed relevant. :cat:

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Evening all.

I have a problem, I want to play Monk but I have no idea how. I’m off to do research. If any of you can help, I’d appreciate it.

There’s a daily quest, I think it pops at lvl 20. Basically you go to panda land and face off against a different master (I want to say this changes every 20 or so levels). Each different duel with a master focuses on a different aspect of your monk (the first one deals with rolling out of the bad stuff, later works on stuns and ranged attacks.

The quest is definitely worth while for both the practice and the very yummy xp buff it gives you for an hour.

I kind of wish the other classes had similar

The character is already 110 and I’m not in a rush to level it, but the practice may come in handy. Thanks