We're not making enough noise about layering

Indeed - layering is going to distort the population of servers both ways.

i hit harder to make more noise layering

with some enjoying it breaks ya know what i am saying?

All they said was they’re “fully committed” to getting it out of the game. They didn’t say they 100% guarantee it. The LA Rams were “fully committed” to winning the Super Bowl this year and look how that turned out for them.

There’s no concrete guarantee we won’t still have layering if something goes awry, such as way to much population on certain realms.

You want to use the old system, from Vanilla WoW… You don’t know what you’re asking for.

This will require a ton of servers, and will ultimately result in a mountain of dead realms that need to be merged within months after release. We’ve gone down this path, and it’s not one we want to go down again.

Layering exists because Blizz rightfully anticipates that the game will see a large influx of players at the beginning, and that number will dwindle as time goes on, making those layers unneeded as populations decline. When layering is removed in Phase 2, realm pops should be stable.

Yes, there are issues with layering. They could actually be fixed with a little bit of critical thinking, but I know that isn’t our strongest quality here in the forums. Just keep in mind that layering is avoiding bigger issues than it’s creating, especially since it’s temporary.

That was probably the strongest language they could use. You very rarely want to “guarantee” anything when speaking about the future as a company. Something may delay them and they don’t want to be crucified over wording.

Horrible comparison. Every NFL team would say that, and none of them have any control over what happens.

Alleviating server stress at launch, with so many people in a couple zones, is the primary purpose of layering. Temporary population expansion is secondary, and they’ve already warned people on full realms that the queue may get longer after layering is turned off.

I respectfully disagree. For one, layering will be a short-term implementation. When the layering ends, rep-hiding ends with it.

As for fragmenting the server population? I would rather it be fragmented into several layers of people playing the game, rather than two layers: people playing and people UNABLE TO PLAY AT ALL.

Server queues basically deny a chunk of the player base— potentially more than 50%— the ability to play at a time of their choosing. And god forbid you are in a group run and DC, then hit the queue timer and are unable to re-log in to rejoin your group’s run. This is actually another benefit of a layering timer.

Layering is, in my opinion, far FAR preferable to telling people that they cannot play AT ALL right now, and possibly NO TIME SOON.

YOU not knowing if I am there or not doesn’t bother ME.

ME not being able to log in AT ALL while waiting on a queue DOES bother me.

YOUR minor annoyance is not sufficient cause to deny SOMEONE ELSE access to the game.

Suck it up, Buttercup.

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And yet infinitely MORE likely to layer-up with them than to be able to see/interact with them while they (or YOU) are waiting upon a queue-timer to pop.

I’m fine with layering for phase 1. I don’t think many of you will even notice it. It is not a big deal.

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It’s going to ruin everything

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300 minute ques. This is on YOU.

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How is this my fault?

If anything the queues show that layering is useless. It was supposed to prevent this and didn’t. It should just be removed.

Seems like we need alot more layers and you guys whining about it caused huge server queues. Maybe next time you can just be quiet and wait for there to be a problem before you cry about it.

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Or maybe Blizzard could have come up with a better plan than, “Hey guys! Lets put 50k+ people on less than a dozen servers for the entirety of NA and SA! We can just create world shards called layers so it’ll work fine!”


It was supposed to prevent this and didn’t. It should just be removed.

No, layering is supposed to be a population insurance mechanic, not an anti-queue mechanic. Layers are essentially pre-merged servers. Anyone who said it’s to prevent queues had no idea what they were talking about.

It can help with congestion, but it won’t do anything for queues.

Ohhh, hindsight.


The queue times are quite reasonable. I’m happy to have layering!

I support no layering.
Bring community and consequences back to WoW.


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