"We're always open to feedback, but I doubt we'll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder."

It really is though

He’s not wrong it’s significantly worse than the retail tool.

Which is pretty said because it means blizzard actively went out of their way to make it worse instead of just copy pasting from retail.


Since people in here are trying to get RDF several content patches earlier than in OG Wrath, I want to throw in my hat for another change that I think really makes the game better:

Pet battles. I know pet battles come later, but so did RDF, and I, for one, enjoy pet battles. It gives us something to do while we wait on the RDF queue to pop. If theres a will, theres a way. You already changed the game with a bunch of other stuff, so let’s get it done!

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Que from anywhere bg’s weren’t implemented until Icc alongside rdf. Next.

So youre saying theres a chance… nice!

What the people truly want is RPBF.

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Honestly I might unsub if they dont add that.

Wasn’t there a PETA announcement decrying when WoW added pet battling or am I imagining that?

I think youre right. PETA Classic will go along great with RPBF

And yet anti-RDF folk seem dead set that their flimsy language in the announcement is concrete in “never.”

If they’d spent more than 3 seconds to actually think about it, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Wrath players want Wrath features. But this is the kind of arrogance we should all be familiar with from Blizzard by now.

Sounds like some people on the Classic team need promotions, rather than being swept under the rug as anonymous members. Brian certainly loves to use names when it’s team members who agree with him, but when they disagree it’s “some people.” I wonder why that could be.

Ignoring feedback is a massive part of how retail turned into retail. Otherwise we wouldn’t be pointing to that fact every time we explain to you trolls how this has been Blizzard’s M.O. for years now. Announce bad change that upsets the community, claim to be sticking to the arrogant decisions, and then undo it 4-6 months in and claim they’ll totally listen more in the future.

What an absolutely clunky and awkward interaction this sounds like. This is up there with /who’ing Warrior 70 and whispering each of them until someone agrees to tank, or begging everyone in sight for 5g.

That’s unpossible. Everyone knows us PvPers are toxic griefers who spam report everyone else AFK until they’re banned, who would want to be friends in that environment?!

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Notice he won’t reply to any of that either.

Insert shocked pikachu here

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Nearly your entire reply seems a bit hyperbolic, to me.

We both want what we want and have our own reasons for it.

So far it seems the classic wow team majority agrees with me (at least as of back in April), so I’m winning I guess? :man_shrugging:t2:

I’m really impressed with Blizzards implementation of RAF (random argument finder) in the forums.

It’s not about winning the argument, it’s about the enemies you make on the way. Right? :joy:

Wanting an authentic wrath experience isn’t an argument.

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Does it get tiring fighting to the death on not dungeons, but the method through which you get into them?

For the past 3 days Ive read every argument from both sides. Both sides have good points, and both sides make some outlandish claims. But theres been several thousand posts, and for the most parts its the same people going back and forth saying the same 3-5 things over and over and over. It’s clearly not a productive conversation. If someone hasnt read the counterarguments the first 1000 times (literally) that its been written, they’re not going to suddenly read what you have to say and come to a different conclusion than what theyve already settled on.

Honestly? I work nights and I’m bored on lunch

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Aight dawg i gotchu <3

Getting that third shift pay?

On a semi-related note, I wonder how much if any impact your schedule has on your desire for RDF. Might have more success in an oceanic server or the like where the time difference makes it more populated during your play times.

Even Aussies dont seem to like OCE servers (or lack of options). Those guys always seem to get the short end of the stick.