Again, why would they even bother updating irrelevant NPCs when they’re currently dedicating the art department to the playable races.
High elves were a distant dream from the beginning so I’m fine with it.
Those aren’t High Elve eyes. High Elves eyes don’t glow and have actual pupils. Look at alliance high elves they dont have the glow.
who knows
this is an expansion
many things will be updated visually thats not shadowlands exclusive
Yeah, so far they look very disappointing and watching the livestream they had a lot of issues making it work. Considering that the eye glows were actually very cool, these look like something is missing.
The blue eyes look milky, more like VE eyes, and the way they applied the textures barely changed the eye color underneath -seems the new eyes need two textures to work properly-
This is just hilarious. I look forward to the non-stop meltdowns over this, despite everything still being sussed out.
Think about it though, you play as Jaraxxus and destroy all those gnomes
summon blue eyes chocolate belf
yeah. galo sengen.
This is the second best news I’ve heard today. Schadenfreude Is my guilty pleasure.
Yeah. Pretty funny to see all these "I’m quitting!’ posts over an eye color the blood elves should have had a long time ago…
Compared to the quality we saw on the new eyes in 8.3, it just doesn’t look like these are being rendered right and we should be seeing more difference and less flat colors -there was a purple eye glow that doesn’t even show-
So something is missing cause none of the new eyes look particularly good and it’s either green or blue with small variations.
There are too many varieties of blue for them to be for NPCs.
Ion constantly said that the Blood Elves were kinda High Elves, but with different eye color and different history.
There was already a post about the blue eyes not being the correct blue eyes.
they dont even look blue they look cyan or frost
Well that’s the point. The meaningful difference is not biological but idological, like huojin and tushui. Disclaimer: I don’t think HE’s are going to happen -unless faction restrictions crash down or something- but at this point of the argument we should all know the points are about ideology and culture and politics, so eye color is kinda moot.
Not only that but the first set is a teal colour. You know, that inbetween blue and green?
I’m super excited and can’t wait to change my hunter’s eyes to blue. I honestly just like blue eyes.
Those are still shades of blue.
I am really loving the teal and super looking forward to it.
I am living for your hype. >w<
You mean 4 months after launch when they need something to distract players from the 20% delta between covenants right?