Well, time to remove-3v3 and give gladiators/rank1 titles to blitz/suffle

Felt alot better last night then below it, started facing things other then double BM healer.

I meant mount yeah, but I agree.

The gameplay is obviously built around PVE, so we’re never going to have great spec balance. The gameplay feels awful unless you really know what you’re doing.

Solo queue gave everyone a way to just queue up and see what you’re made of if you care enough to.

Is getting Elite rewards/R1 not enough for us? People who’ve invested immense time and energy into getting good at something don’t deserve a place to showcase it? What value would a mount that you can just queue up and RNG into really have to you, after you got your first couple?

People meme on PvP balance but you should see high keys.


to be fair, they have sacrificed everything. What have you given?

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I always think this is funny when I’m on a DK.

DH NPC: i’Ve SaCriFicEd EvErYthIng WhAt hAve YoU giVen?

DK: Has flashbacks of being controlled by Arthas while ‘Arthas, my son’ plays in the background.

You can get pretty much anything except for rank 1 every season playing whatever you like in M+ and don’t even have to be that great of a player.

But glad every season playing your main? There’s not a lot of people who can do that. That’s the difference.

Because top end keystone reward aside from title is portals which is like equiv of 1600-1800

Also every class always viable to glad

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just wait until you see the unstoppable roj/elias/floont arcane holy FMP, the world isn’t ready for that level of fotm tryharding yet

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You can climb in M+/raiding more consistently playing whatever you like than you can PVP every season, which is the difference in felt gameplay/balance that I was pointing out, and it’s too obvious to care to argue with you about it.

And using players like Saul, who is better than 99.999% of anyone who will ever read this could hope to be, isn’t a ‘gotcha.’

In the context of keys that’s because the reward cutoff is the equivalent of an elite set.

Saul is high r1, not 2400 glad, which is considerably more manageable

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That’s the point. Most people who main Enhance aren’t getting drakes on them when they’re considered bad, that’s why people reroll to begin with.

Saying something is viable because a handful of people on the planet did/can do it is a big stretch compared to what I was talking about. Saul was just an example of someone who I knew of that always climbs on his main regardless.

What if they reroll a 1 button spec like Dev and still don’t get it? :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Hmm. I really don’t think it’s that unapproachable but yeah, there’s often a better/easier alternative to enhancement. This is why the whole char locked glad, titles, elite sets and whatnot are kind of neat.

Swapping to BM right now which will probably continue to be overtuned as heck for at least two more weeks to scoop up all the rewards for main char feels silly.

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If your gameplay can’t take you any further, it’s time to make friends with the right people. Lol

I understand that. But anyway my general point here was that this game is focused around PVE, so if people aren’t having fun they should give that a shot because the experience feels more fluid and rewarding. Taking drake away from 3s and 25% of the player base getting them every season just cheapens having one and at that point there’s no longer a unit of measure for ‘being good,’ outside of R1. People stop caring because there’s nothing to aspire to, etc.

Just because I personally don’t care about 3s doesn’t mean I don’t realize that a reward tier to showcase growth isn’t good for the game. But I do think Blizzard could do more to designate a static pathway for progress instead of Glad one season, and Rival for the next 6, even if that means the one Glad season would have never happened.

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Most people who main any spec isn’t getting them, doesn’t change the fact that gladiator level players can do it on any class.

not tru I am terrible at rdruid

pls send help

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I worded it wrong. You’re a glad lvl player and you consistently get glad on your chosen spec. Just as other glad lvl players do regardless of their chosen class/spec.

need to pick rsham or hpal back up to prove that I’m not a one trick but man I have the focus on alts that alt-hoppers do when trying to stick to a consistent main

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Yea, I’m also terrible at playing alts.

You should do M+ with me some season. You could genuinely pick any spec you ever thought looked cool and perform better on it than 95% of people who play it in PVE.

Amatox is stupid good in keys, I just can’t get him to do it much.

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