Well there go my glowey eyes

I get it’s for setting the framework for eye colors and all that so I’m no t complaining really just gonna miss it is all for now.

Edit; quick clarification this is a change for next patch not this moment.

Wait wat? why did they remove the glowing effect?

Setting up the eye customization

I’m confused.


My eyes glow fine. And judging by your character avatar, yours do too.

Next patch.

Well I hope the glow will come back in Shadowlands. Glowing eyes look so much better.


The blue post says they’re making more changes to it. I’d assume they’ll come back


What blue post ? I’m on PTR Right now with the latest build and eyes are glowing.

Demon hunter eyes aren’t effected. I’d guess because the fire’s part of a different layer


I guess I misinterpreted that. I thought the new look was what they were going to go with. So it seems they’re dimming them now but will be increasing glowing effect later.

… I am concerned by this line. Flashlight eyes are terrible. Glow is fine. Flashlights aren’t.


Yeah. Still kinda sucks

I agree :slight_smile:

I checked all races/classes including DK.

Night elves blood elves and DKs on PTR

I wonder if they’ll ever fix the helm and dh eye deletion.

They are not final. I am not saying not to provide feedback, keep doing that and saying EXACTLY what you want but keep in mind its still in development and we won’t actually be getting Visions of N’zoth until 2020 so there is time.

And, to be honest, its been really needed…

This does not look good at all, you can quite literally see the particle effect hovering in front of the eyes. Its about time it got some proper attention and were brought in line with modern eye glowing effects like the new Worgen Models and Zandalari Models.


Elves in D&D have “Darkvision”.

Elves in WarCraft have LED Peepers.


Yep! The floating orb texture thing first appeared on Night Elves and Forsaken in Vanilla as a workaround for smaller eyesockets, a much more strict polygon budget, and no advanced shaders like we have available today. Things have come a long way and it’s no longer necessary, so they’re fixing it.

Heck they might even act as actual light sources in-game now, subtly casting light on your character’s face. How cool would that be?

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