Well i was excited to do some classic pvp for about a month

So i made this toon back in 2019, wanted to play on a pvp server, but all good pvp servers where all full so i made a toon on pve server… took me a while to lvl hit max level since i was playing retail and i really only wanted to play wrath, but im on a pve server and no one really does any arena there and im not paying $25 just to do arena, bgs are basically fighting bots and the only way to win a bg is that your team has to have less bots than the other team , i mean this is pretty bad, im not sure what worst privates servers or blizz servers


The bots have been a joke for awhile.

as in…so bad it’s funny. At least it’s a mixture of classes now and not just Death Knights. There’s a brightside to everything.

On an unfortunate note, this has being going on on this level since classic era released. I don’t expect any different in the future, sorry friend.

Yea im going back to retail, i really cant see my self playing with so many bots, theres really no point

Retail is no better but okay.


Instanced PvP supports cross-realm queueing. Join an Arena discord (or a few).


what are you mumbling about ?

Maybe should read the rest of the post lol , hey ill show you my vanilla account if you show me yours but you probably dont have one lol

Yea but you gota be in group to Q for arena, how would that work, oh battlenet probably

It’s pretty straightforward really, but I don’t think everyone knows about it.

/invite Snipy-Faerlina
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Yeah, join xrealm arena discords

“Rogue LF mage/spriest” should get you some partners. Just include your current rating and experience. You add eachothers bnets and get queing. Its inconvenient, but if thats the state of your server thats the best way to do it. GL.

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You can cross realm the arena if that helps.


thanks for preserving the posts , really appreciate it mate !

You know i can delete it right lol

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