I’m so lost. You’re the one who’s using that word, three times now. I responded to it because your vocabulary seems to be so very limited, but I didn’t start us down that path. You don’t even know how we got here now do you?
- Learn how to quote on the forums.
- Learn how to comprehend.
- Learn what a promise is.
- Learn patience.
classic avatar?
They said they would START the process of removing layering, with the deadline being BY PHASE TWO…and a few can mean as little as 2, but is also a very VAGUE non binary number.
You really can’t be this dense surely ?
Go on…
Now if you’ll excuse this avatar I’d rather be known by the name I perfer
There, I’m actually higher level than you and its one of 4 charecters I’m playing. Do i win the biggest E-peen contest or can we go back to using our words like adults?
haha, this is really funny really. So many peeps wanting layering. Yes Blizzard said they would remove layering by phase 2, and earlier as possible if they can.
- Not my fault if the system is not quoting well.
- i comprehend his words. “And promise we will do this a few weeks in to a single world per realm”.
See that world promise?
You know that pinned blue post about free realm transfers? It includes a lot of realms that don’t have/never had queues. Blizz is trying to even out the realm pops in preparation for removing layering. Some people need to turn their brains on. SMH
I think for every thread like this they should not only add another layer, but another week of its existence.
They said 2 weeks or so as a time estimate. It’ll be gone by phase 2, but it honestly depends on just how many servers are still full. Those lower pop will probably have it removed - if they even have layers.
As someone that leveled on Northdale with 8k+ players with no layering, that experience was much more enjoyable. The current state of layering is crap, its harder to quest because there are less people around to group with so unless you’re full dps spec you have no hope. I’d prefer to fight with players over spawns than not being able to do the quest at all.
They are just salty filled people that want to exploit, and their time is short. It’s called death throes. They want to desperately hold on to any exploit possible. Reaks of gold selling really.
There are more than 8k players on just 1 of the servers. You’re much higher level than the average player at the moment, so that could account for the lack of grouping opportunities.
His own words a few weeks in a single world per realm. You seriously too dense to understand?[quote=“Lyri-westfall, post:49, topic:295486, full:true”]
You know that pinned blue post about free realm transfers? It includes a lot of realms that don’t have/never had queues. Blizz is trying to even out the realm pops in preparation for removing layering. Some people need to turn their brains on. SMH
Good. So layering can be gone by next tuesday. Thank you.
They said 2 weeks or so as a time estimate. It’ll be gone by phase 2, but it honestly depends on just how many servers are still full. Those lower pop will probably have it removed - if they even have layers.
No. The promise was complete removal in a few weeks.
It’s not that I want it. It’s that I trust a company that have years of experience and insight on things like this.
Just because you see some problems with something doesnt dismiss the bigger picture blizzard probably sees.
We are not the mechanic under the hood of this car for 15 years. So maybe they see a bigger issues they are avoiding that we don’t see.
The promise was complete removal in a few weeks.
No it wasn’t. Stop being dense.
I noticed you went from snowflakes and trying to cup check people for classic alts to gold selling conspiracies now. I’m not going to reply to you from here, but I do think you’re the worst.
Maybe, maybe not, but they said what they said. You cannot deny that.
Thanks, I hope you do not reply anymore as well.