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College! <3

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I knew you were in school. Now you’re a lawyer, married and with a spawnling! I feel very old. lol.


I’m kind of curious because I never got into RP on this realm much, never felt like “home” like my old server did, but I’ve been on WRA longer than on my “home” server ironically: what has changed about the core RP community/rp style of the server since Legion?

I talk about my life alot on this forum don’t I? hahahaha. Don’t feel old, feel EXPERIENCED! YOUNG FOREVER!!!

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I left the EU servers for various reasons, thinking the community across the pond would be a bit more friendlier, at least.

Tell us about your first WrA character(s). Alliance or Horde? Are you still playing them? How have they changed?

Been a while so the name escapes me, and that char ended in the void of deletion anyway. My alliance toons are on MG since then, and I plan to make a whole stack of horde char on WrA at some point…

What was your most memorable RP experience on WrA?

Good question since I haven’t caught much (timezone hell…), but I guess the first guild faire I saw, Alliance side.

Is there anything you’d like for WrA in the future?

No clue, really. I leave all of that to y’all.

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The hours, mostly.

The style has been pretty consistently lore-abiding while I’ve been active again; the things I won’t play with aren’t a problem on WrA the way they are on MG. But I know Sares, and they’re on Australia time. WrA used to have a massive OCE scene combined with US insomniacs and night shifters, but I’m pretty sure it’s dwindled.

It’s a bit hard to find RP on WrA these days if you’re not in the main US timezones. As an east coaster, main RP hours are between 9 PM and 1 AM, so even EST can be a bit difficult for RP if you work a job that requires you to be up in the morning. I know my hunting partner can’t make most late-night RP sessions.

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Yeah I’m on a weird shift at work (very early morning, up at 2 am for a 4:30 shift), so I go to bed early. I’m never on prime time anymore lol – it does play a big part in not connecting well with the community, I think

Andorhal PvP Server 2005, was there for a long time then left , Moonrunner , Ravencrest, Moonguard, then here, still have characters on Mg, Mostly solo disabled a bit now so no raiding and Mythics , heroics for me XD