Welcome to warcraft, please pick your preferred race

We got the guys who ruin everything accidentally:
We got the guys who ruin everything on purpose:
We got the bipedal farm animals of questionable origin:
We got the stoners that somehow got roped into war:
Trolls/Night elves
We got the guys who just wanna drink and fight:
And then we got the guys who have no reason to be here:
Worgen/Blood elves

did I miss anyone?


sadly the only race that anyone every plays is human

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They should have listened back in 2019 when I said ban all racials entirely, “oh it’l be fine” then suddenly everyone was Horde because it was BiS until basically now and blizz is soaking ya for $$$$ on the faction change.

Maybe yall shoulda listened

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Steroetyping is a form of racism ya know?

this game is kinda about racism

I want to play Klingon.

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