Week 1 Complaint megathread

My only complaint is solos queue time wait. :frowning:

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:dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:
its a little stinky yup

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Dont worry guys, once everyone has the new gear everything will be fine. What do you mean “defense isnt the only thing that scales with better gear?” Get outta here with that crazy talk!


next complaint go ahead and gut demo for me blizzard.


Survival, WW, Ret, MM chunking 60% of peoples hp

Dev evoker disintegrate / spammable sleep walk with immmunity very boring to play against

Garrote from assassination rogue very toxic to the game should be removed

Disc priest is just beyond broken with no effort.

Resto Druid is actual hot garbage and at this point should just be removed as a class from the game.

Fire mage combust literally owning everyone every combust reminds me of SL.



But Ret is doing dam? My r1 ret buddy who is pretty unbiased about the class and admits when it’s broken was complaining earlier how it does pad damage and nodt abilities do not hit hard at all.


Not getting a free piece of gear once you get 1600 for 2set


Only the one spell hits really hard in stun, what’s it called something of light.

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thinly veiled buff resto druid post


Blizz can’t ever get rdruid right, they either over nerf or over buff, but the current iteration is terrible. Only healing with ancient tree talent, which feels awkward bc you have to cast or waste NS bc it moves at molasses speed. Lot of dps just line you while you move like a 800 lb person trying to get up to drink a vegetable smoothie oh… and the travel time on the heal is pretty bad. Purge makes the class pretty annoying to even play on.


That works exactly like anything new that gets introduced.

once DPS understand, they won’t range or line their broccoli heals

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Unfortunately shuffle brain that’ll never happen think most Druids will just play normal tree instead so ancient will end up being another useless talent.

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It deals more damage in pvp.

It’s unfortunate how he in a race of three he came in fourth.


The range on the new Ancient of Lore heals is also currently bugged and not benefiting from Astral Influence. So if a druid is healing from max range, using Ancient of Lore will put them out of range even if the dps doesn’t move.


Slicing Winds and Sin Rogue bleed damage need knee capped.


i got hit for a 2 mil MS, i think its fine

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i typically work between qs but shuffle qs are instant

dam you blizzard!


This is definitely my least favorite change :confused:

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Slam 20 rage with NO cd = 1.1m base dmg.
MS 30 rage with 5 sec cd = 1m base dmg.

Sort yourself out blizzard.

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one has a heal cut