"We support all those that stand against Racism"

I jus told you why, many times, sorry you dont understand.

So why are you here then? If Blizzard is supposedly endorsing or supporting such people why are you paying them $15 a month?

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she can say things we disagree on but she is not racist, she may hate white people but that is not racism because she is white.


Didn’t we just have to sit through months of dems crying about russian interferrence in the last election that turned out to be false?


Why do you need to know why someone posts. Awful nosey and rude


I’m sorry! I need a snack with a little more substance!

German scientists are given credit, because one, just one, of them created the rocket we still use today about 60 years ago. He also set up a roadmap with Walt Disney on how to get to Mars (as soon as our technology catches up). No one in the control room ever gets credit, unless they are the director. The credit went to Von Braun for being the person to actually put them in space.

I mean, if we gonna talk about Blizzard doing… things… Cough hearthstone tournament and a certain ban on a certain someone

It’s almost like… it IS like you’re making up a conversation that never happened. I get that you don’t want to answer my question and I think I know why.

For the three (vangerev, draeneifeet, and other dude idk ur name gill something), to simplify, everyone agrees that she said things that are very prejudiced towards white people and prejudice is not okay. end of the story.

Those extra kittens are photoshopped but my kitten is real


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Don’t bother providing rationality and facts. They’re wont listen.

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OH my Yogg!! Those eyes!!

There’s a good chance she might keep her blue eyes into adulthood since she just turned 8 weeks.

I will break this down for you one last time:

I am here since this thread is about Blizzard and their double-standers. The same as everyone else.

That is about as simple as I can put it.


when we finally have a space station with artificial gravity in a few years it will be thanks to von braun’s design, but it cannot be denied that many Jews were enslaved to create the first rocket

“Is the collusion here? Is it in the room right now?”

Media lost what little credibility they had left with that stunt. The worse part, they’re STILL trying to pass that off as reality, and not the fever dream that it was.


If you weren’t a hunter, I’d bring mine for the tame. :wink:

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Haha, she’s my little nightsaber :slight_smile: