We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

“Cog Shanks use to do that, but it doesn’t work any more.”

Actually this is the same forum as overwatch has and they use a bnet id. I believe they specifically asked for the ability to post on different characters for reasons unknown.

How? Because the poster in question doesn’t go away. Their post is still there for everyone else to see, including Blizz. Putting someone on ignore only has pros and cons for the person doing the ignoring, but for the forums as a whole it would help clean up a lot of mess.

Me putting someone on ignore doesn’t take away their ability to disagree with me, it just means I don’t have to deal with it and other posters can engage or not if they so choose.


If you feel strongly enough to post about something then you should feel strongly enough to have a conversation with someone to reaffirm your idea and why you believe it is right when someone has a differing opinion. A forum is for just that, a place where players can bring conversation and highlight certain aspects of the game that they feel a certain way about. If you aren’t willing to reaffirm your opinion or converse with players who have differing opinions then it was likely not a strong point or possibly just a comment used to rile other posters up.

This isn’t always going to be true. Sometimes, you really don’t care what others think.


Not caring what someone thinks and reaffirming your position are two completely different things. I don’t really care what anyone in this thread thinks but I’ll still reaffirm my position unless someone brings an idea that makes more sense to me when countering my idea.

What I gathered from this was “My opinion isn’t popular and some people hate me so don’t let them ignore me”. Sorry but to heck with certain people I won’t name here… I’m also not very pleased that some people can either outright troll or simply be annoying and my only recourse is to literally ignore the entire thread. Some threads are quite fun but there’s ALWAYS one or two who have to either ruin the spirit or just be holes. Do i care if someone puts me on ignore? Nope, we clearly don’t get along and that’s fine.


You’ve got the tools to get them suspended from the forum if they’re trolling. The only person any of us have to blame for trolls hanging out are ourselves for not reporting them.

We kind of have an ignore option for forums in that you can mute notifications from specified other forum posters. Works for me. :smile:

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It’s kind of funny, often you can see someone post, your gut reaction is “Ugh, it’s that guy again”, and then five seconds later you’re like “Hey, they’ve got a point!”

Maybe it’s just a broken clock being right twice a day thing, but I think the more likely explanation is that even the most obnoxious of people can raise genuinely compelling arguments and discussions. It’s why I think it’s incredibly reductive (if not outright insulting) to paint someone as a white-knight, bootlicker, whiner … etc.

Unless a person has been posting nothing but utter, insulting garbage for months, most people are deserving of the benefit of the doubt. If you don’t think they are, then don’t reply - it really is that simple.


What if it’s not a conversation I want to have? What if… gasp they’re just trolls that I want to wipe off my screen to keep the clutter down? So many threads would be so much easier to read if I could toss some people and their garbage in the bin, and so often it’s the same people. Let other posters or Blizz read their tripe.

What if some poster throws out a dozen threads some days and it would keep things tidy if their topics just vanished from my screen?

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What problems exactly?

Then don’t post on a forum if you aren’t willing for others to post opinions also?

Well, if they’re trolls then you have the tools at your disposal to have them removed from the forum. It’s your own fault for not using those tools.

This is a common theme, are you afraid of having a conversation with people who don’t hold the same opinions as you? We’re all different, usually, at least.

Once again, you have tools at your disposal to use to get rid of those people. It’s easier now than ever before to get suspended from the forum.

I am personally and horrifically offended by your green forum txt regardless the rhyme or reason.
/ignore :wink:


I know what the CM said, but we didn’t have a downvote button. We had a button labeled ‘dislike’ and Blizzard was surprised that people were using it on stuff that they disliked.

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Doesnt want to have a conversation.

Replies to the original poster and facilitates conversation.

Big brain moment for sure.

Troll threads and such thrive on attention, if you don’t like it, don’t freaking post in it. It’s so tiring to have even legitimate threads flooded with “Ugh, another post about x”.

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Why do you care? If you don’t want to ignore someone don’t. I think you’re afraid you won’t have an audience anymore.


Because I want to allow the forum to continue being a place of healthy discussion between players and Blizzard.

An audience for what, exactly?

your crummy posts.


Ah, well, thanks for being part of the audience, I suppose?
