(we ride forth) - "What about me?" _The Deathlord

So you basically included your 4 strongest pieces for something ultra important, except of course your strongest piece of the chess, the deathlord!
The hell Bolvar? The four horseman and all of acherus went to a party and i missed it??? NOT ONLY THAT, but the deathlord is stronger than these 4, what a ripped off plan of yours!!!
I feel kinda sad for that!


Were just normal adventurers. Lore characters are 5x to 25x stronger than us.

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Deathlords unite!

I guess I’ll just quote myself since you went and made a separate thread for it lol


You’re basically just the head of HR.

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you dont make a regular adventurer the guy who holds frostmourne and apocalypse and then turn that guy into the deathlord of all dks in legion im sorry to say

which we ultimately raised from the death even more powerfull ourselves!

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I’m still salty we did not get one of those four horsemen mounts. We did all the hard work in obtaining them, only to get another undead dragon. Thanks… :roll_eyes:


And this is why making us the leader of our respective Order Halls is possibly one of the dumbest decisions ever made by the dev team.

Something to note. We are powerful adventurers, they even mention in in “We Ride Forth” about the Lich King’s plan to bait us into becoming his champions. We just probably never were the leaders of our order halls. You are a powerful DK in your own right, just not as important as the Horsemen.

Least we can obtain something close.

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If you don’t want to accept Briselody’s answer, I think the next most likely answer is that we were still busy cleaning up the wreackage of the Fourth War and N’Zoth’s invasion. Remember that neither the Four Horsemen nor the Lich King were involved. The closest part was Nazgrim stealing bodies for the Lich King.

Neither side had much time to hunt us down and, especially Horde-side, Bolvar might not have trusted that we weren’t in on Sylvanas’ plan.

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This thread reminds me of a smart-arsed comment I made to a friend of mine after turning in the quest chain for the second-half of the pre-patch quests… Genn makes a comment about having to send a message to the Ebon Blade because Bolvar’s a good tactician, and I was like, “So, get someone down here to scribe your stuff; I’m the Deathlord, I can deliver the message and bring back their response stupid fast.”

I had similar thoughts when Lor’themar mentioned sending a message to the Ebon Blade (though he didn’t mention Bolvar by name). I guess he missed the glowing blue eyes and the frosty breath.

Though, as I side note, I wonder why they had Whitemane be the Alliance-side rep instead of Trollbane. Neither was involved in the modern Alliance but Thoras was a founding member of the original iteration in the Second War.

If its any solace, NPCs do refer to you as Deathlord in Shadowlands.

While everyone else gets called Maw walker.

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That’s something at least. I do like it when devs go, “you did [thing]? We put in a special little thing related to having done that.” when they design stuff.


Look at all those Deathlords!

Each of them are the only rule of Ebon Blade!

I mean if Bolvar would call every Deathlord to his party the place would be quite crowded… Also I’m dead, so I really don’t mind anything anymore at all. No hard feelings… Or more like no feelings tbh.

Honestly there should have been a throwaway line about the Deathlord’s will potentially being weakened in their battle with Nzoth so them going would have been too great of a risk.

Is Bolvar not Deathlord now?

Maybe they’ll throw us DKs a breadcrumb-style quest where we hand over our title to Bolvar, so there’s someone in charge of the order in the ‘real world’ should something happen to us while we’re punching nasties in the shadowlands… then there’ll be an easy/easier to swallow “why’s everyone calling bolvar the deathlord?” for DKs (and give us a reason to not be the holder of the title in our “You’re the hero”-centric individual universes)