We need to talk about how we talk about stories

I’m sorry but this to me is like pretending Sylvanas saying “THE HORDE IS NOTHING” is actually quite nuanced because hey, from a certain perspective nothing can be pretty okay. It’s not an inherently insulting thing, I guess, if you spin around six times quick and squint.

I’ll admit Blizz went out of their way to confuse and disappoint Sylvanas fans. Because there are times when she acts like she cares about the Forsaken. But with the extra context of BfS, BFA, SR and SL I think it’s beyond a reasonable doubt that regardless of the initial context, it was clearly not meant as anything but disrespect.


My eternal point of frustration was that Yeats was a Hermetic Kabbalist flavored occultist who would summon demons with Aleister Crowley and thus there is actually a lot of useful texts that exist to correctly interpret Yeats, but everyone hates the occult so they ignore that entire side of him.

Similary, we know at least Metzen was a former Catholic dude into the occult and comics.

Danuser I have no idea.

I think the Blizzard writers themselves were confused and unsure where to take the story to wrote in every possible angle so nobody could say they were blindsided.

Kyalin half the time if people are demanding you elaborate on something or prove something you’ve already proved, they either legit need you to actually reexplain it do to you explaining it poorly, or haven’t seen it before and as such need to explained to them the first time. It’s also not like your simply linking post from past threads, your linking post from completely different forums simply because you don’t care to actually elaborate whenever your points are challenged in these ones. I hate repeating myself all the time as well, but often it’s needed to get your point across or to help make it more understandable. Just saying “Well, If you want proof why what im saying is important, go to a completely different website and read half an essay’s worth of content before you get to the half a paragraph that explains it” just makes you look conceited and dumb, no one will ever take you seriously here when you do that since your demanding them put in more effort to prove your point, instead of you just swallowing your pride and simply reexplaining something that is in all honesty something that you can do in 3 sentances.


Happy, how long did people have to re-explain to people that Malfurion himself wasn’t being annoying in Val’sharah - that it was Xavius?

Little misconceptions and repetitions of the same arguments that have been debunked a thousand times going back for over a decade create a Sisyphean nightmare - and no, three sentences doesn’t cut it for a lot of these issues, and then people want to make you repeat the same thing back to them a hundred times in different ways because they’re not reading what you’re posting in the first place.

I’m done with that kind of circus. If I regard a point as finished, I’m going to make it, and link back to it. Maybe I’ll hit it again in summary later - but I’m not going to continue to roll that boulder up the hill for the thousandth poster to parrot the same logical fallacy. If I’ve seen your argument before, you may get a link to where I replied to it. You’re not getting my personal attention for hundreds of posts.

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If I can do it for a decade then so can you.

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Honestly it just feels like they have no continuity oversight. Silverpine takes place pretty much directly after Edge of Night and Sylvanas is leading the Forsaken into battle there.

Granted maybe the MM Hunter who thought it was a great idea to power slide at a Frost DK also doesn’t understand you’re supposed to get behind bulwarks.


Which is why no one will ever take you seriously Kyalin. There is a point you realize your arguing in circles with some posters, but when you do the thing you need to do is stop responding to them, as all it does is make you both look stupid, they’re either not taking it seriously or they’re so far gone down the rabbit whole there is no coming back out for them.

And to be honest, I feel that this recent spree of thread posting you’ve been on has been more harm to the nelf community then good. They already have to deal with no one taking them seriously, a pseudointellectual who refuses to accept valid criticism of their own arguments out of laziness is not what they need to “Champion their Cause”. Your the laughing stock of the forums at the moment, no one is taking you seriously, and your threads get derailed almost as fast as you make them. You have some legitimately good points to make, but you are both bringing it to the wrong audience (I highly doubt the story forums CARES about how much money wow is making) or arguing them in such a way you leave people lost, and out of either laziness or defeatism you refuse to elaborate and just link to another document.


We call this the Draenosh Gambit

This is about the only part of what you just said that I think is on point. Other than that, I think you’re echoing a certain discord and the clique that lives there - which originates those derail attempts in the first place.

Be honest, Kyalin dear. If you were someone who could easily move on you wouldn’t be here right now, nor would you still be gripping onto the idea that there’s some shadow cabal dedicated to ruining your life just because they lightly punished you for calling someone a n*zi 50 times.

You are the definition of rolling a boulder up a hill, but at least Sisyphus was forced to do it.


It isn’t though, people who haven’t even been to the discord are talking about how ridiculous you are, because you legitimately failed in one of the most basic parts of debating. Furthermore, how much progress do your threads make before they’re derailed, how much legitimate discussion do you do before it dissolves into pointless bickering? Your points often can be frequently sound, especially that the Nelves have been worfed to the point of dissallusionment of their playerbase, but you go about arguing it in the most contrived and self-servicing ways imaginable. You are the negative nelf stereotype, whether you like it or not you reinforce that belief.

NO ONE HERE CARES ABOUT BLIZZARDS FINACIAL STATUS, NO ONE HERE CAN DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT EVEN IF THERE WAS A CORRALATION. You are using arguments for a board meeting in a place where no one knows finances other then you! That’s why people mock you, that’s why no one takes you seriously. You failed to grasp the basic principle of your audience, and failed to realize that in a forum with over a hundred participants at the least, you will have to repeat yourself over and over again, just do to the nature of the forums.


I can sympathize to a point as I’ve had to explain the Sludge Fields are a bad thing the Forsaken put a stop to countless times.

But also enough times to know it’s usually pointless. Because when people are using widely known misconceptions to argue against a faction its typically because they don’t like or respect them and aren’t going to let a little thing like facts get in the way of their haters gala.


Yeah, and if there’s an area where I can really improve, it’s probably in realizing that further replies are just going to be a waste of time.

Kyalin calling anyone a clique is hilarious.


All I can say is that certain people are being very generous with the rent, especially considering that we haven’t shared a channel for months.

That is a weird thing to say for someone who randomly brought up the discord server unprompted in response to unrelated criticism, K-dog. I don’t think you get to toss out a “rent free” after that.

I expect the response to this will just be to ignore it, just like the last time you blatantly lied about something.


Not sharing a channel doesn’t retroactively remove everything you’ve said, done or continue to do.


You have to keep explaining it because the thing you’re claiming is incorrect.

I think I will put my finger on this to put the thread back on track.

In terms of canon, you’re right. That is technically true. Warden Stillwater was doing some pretty black stuff, and Master Apothecary Lyndon assists the player in stopping him. You are however exposed to all of this stuff, which appears to be a thing that the forsaken do until suddenly we learn that it’s actually not okay. I’d say that it’s hard to correct for the first impression, and if you’re viewing the quest through a certain lens (we have an exhibit of that of course), it’s not hard to see how the first impression overrides the conclusion.

We should write all stories for dogs, since apparently being able to process new information is too much for the struggling brains of the WoW audience. This isn’t some detail tucked away in a lore interview, it happens on-screen visually and verbally lmao. If someone can’t get over that “first impression” then it’s not a problem because they probably won’t be able to figure out how to log back onto their computer.