We need Faction changes in Classic WRATH

Classic Blizz lol. Its going to be problematic but we cant say no to free cash shop money and umm yeah, friends!

Lets all have a round of applause for how much the whales and corporate greed have done to destroy this game lol.

It’s further proof Wrath isn’t (and never was) Classic WoW.

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The players arent blameless either.

You would think paying 20 dollars a month some forms of customer service would be incl in that monthly fee???
The system is automated now and they charge like 30$ per toon???

you want to be able to change factions for free? as if this is a service you are entitled to? you shouldn’t even have it period lol

The BG I was in seen a pally walk to BET with 8 ALy there and didn’t dismount.
I was telling the others (3 people) that were calling the team terrible ETC, that they are playing with bots. One guy was saying “I’m not bot, I’m human being” like every time we said bot… LOLOL

Were getting trolled by the bots… They have scripts that if you say bot in chat they respond back that they are a human and not a bot. This has gone WAY to far, and it’s comical.

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I sometimes say at the beginning… “ok, who here is a bot? raise ur hands?”. lol

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