We need a big PvP focused patch

This may be a bit long but it needs to happen while they are still prepping their future patch cycles. TLDR at the bottom.

We NEED a patch hopefully sometime in Dragonflight ‘s life cycle that is heavily PvP focused. I’m sure they know PvP players have been getting the short end of the stick for awhile now with none or minimal updates. Solo shuffle was a big win, but now that we have the best gearing cadence back from WoD, we can focus on getting content out for the casuals and longevity of participation.

I’m mostly talking about new BG’s and rewards. The new Arenas every patch we’ve been getting recently is nice, but it’s mostly for new content for the Esports scene.

Here’s what I propose and hopefully can get some sentiment here.

New BG’s of course! They don’t have to be revolutionary or crazy. Just start by giving us another CTF map please! We haven’t had one since Twin Peaks! Let’s give AV
and EOTS the Arathi WSG uprezz treatment! Also a new epic bg, not a recycled world battle (I know you’re thinking Tol’barad next). If we start getting BG bloat, let’s introduce black listing again or seasonal/weekly rotations.

Second thing is rewards! I’ve said it before here on the forums and other locations but I’ll say it again. We need more rewards for causal play. Honor system is good and fine, but hardly any rewards.

Let’s cap honor level to 2000. Sprinkle in more rewards on the track. Let’s also make use of Marks of Honor. Set out a vendor that gives New cosmetics for Marks of honor. Lock pages so you can only have access to purchase things at certain honor levels. While we’re at it let’s make another use for vicious saddles. My friends and I have extra vicious saddles because we get all the mounts very season. Let us turn them in for gold, it will give PvPers a little something if that’s all they want to do.

TLDR, we need a lot of content for casual PvPers in a planned PvP focused patch where we can get a massive chunk all at once.


Already done a bunch of pvp tuning, stop it so I can play an alt

Oh you mean new maps, just take out seething and call it a day.


I also approve of this idea ha. It’s the only BG my friends and I complain about. Pretty sure we have Shaws voice lines memorized.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: