If I unlock it on my main, is it also unlocked on my alts?
It should be.
Cool, thanks!
Yeah I did that, from level 1-60
And I kept that knowledge until level 100. When I suddenly forgor?
And then I remembered again!
But then I forgor until 110.
And then it came back to me again!.. until 120.
Then we got squished and I was 50 again, and must have forgotten how to fly during that squish, and now finally it will come back to me tomorrow because I am now 60 and we will learn to fly once more!
At least until the next xpac. When my short term memory loss will kick in again, and I will forget to fly.
PSA if you want flying make sure you get your Tales of the Exile done. Because when someone loots them they disappear for awhile. It was easy to do when nobody is doing it but a lot of people who didn’t do this will find people trying to get all the pages.
/10 character
Got my pixie dust and happy thoughts ready
Ya need the magic feather!
I’ve got one around here somewhere…
So those of us behind can expect to find rares dead before we get there now? That will be fun!
Rollo you need a different helm look …that looks like you got a bucket on your head…hehe…show that beautiful Dwarf face…
Never get your hopes up… then you won’t be disappointed if they have snuck in some super secret additional achievement that will get added when they do the reset.
Handynotes has an addon that marks the scroll locations for Tales of the Exiles portion of Unlocking the Secrets and was a great help for knocking out that part of the achievement very quickly. I highly recommend it!
Yes we fly tomorrow, too bad it feels terrible we even had to wait.
Kinda looks like an ATM to me.
Go to random battlegrounds, you shouldn’t be looking for PVP in open world, no one cares about that.
There is a tomtom comment with coordinates on wowhead that leads you to each one of the items. I did them last night and found the 5 I was missing without an issue.
I disagree. I enjoy having the initial time on the ground. Makes it feel like more of a world that we experience. Flying over it all just means you’re skipping the game.
I’m cool with that after a time of course, because I’ve seen and experienced it all properly, more than enough times.
Looking forward to using my Mech Spider in X-Wing mode
I showed that to my friend over the weekend and he got really excited. He wasn’t aware it flew.