We Don't Want Wrath of the Lobby Kings

Ok that’s better then.

PVPers are a smaller group so having them in the cities creates immersion by adding hustle and bustle to the major cities.

Clasicandy is based af you should start a podcast

Hell yea broder send these Pro RDF trolls to their retail lobby game they wanna play?!?

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Nice try, my dude; I am 100% pro-RDF and have been here since Molten Core and Ony were the only raids.

EDIT: Also, upon further reflection, your insult is incredibly stupid. Just because someone started playing during WOTLK doesn’t invalidate their desire to replay the WOTLK expansion. You Classic Andys have grown so comfortable with this notion that Blizzard built a special little sandbox for you and you alone. Ya’ll desperately need to get over yourselves.

This is exactly what I’m doing. And I will continue to advocate for RDF as I do it.

Which means I will make sure no one wearing plate ever gets invited to any of my groups, and if they ask why, I’ll tell them to go to the forums and ask for RDF.


You can teleport from anywhere. Ok, so lets remove the ability to Queue from a city and if your character Goes /afk while in the queue you get booted.

Would that make it all better for you?

Their entire argument about AFK’ing in the cities falls apart when you look at what’s happening now on Classic servers. But then, when you point that fact out, they deflect.

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You’re not the hero we wanted, but the hero we need.


Okay? That’s like someone saying if RDF is added they are needing on all loot that drops instead of just greeding on most things.

Adding a filter to your group just means it takes a bit longer to fill.

LF1M DPS - Daily Heroic fills faster than
LF1M T6 Geared DPS - Daily Heroic

So go ahead, Id rather be in my underwear running around goldshire waiting for RDF.

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The point went completely over your head, whoosh.

You are correct, they are global, but they also require your full attention with the speed at which the chat flows or even constantly refreshing the “new” lfg tool since it doesn’t refresh itself so you can find a group. Or better yet whisper someone asking to join a group just to be ignored and continue the process.

This idea that you can actually go about the world and quest and actively look for a group at the same time without RDF is quite ridiculous.

If you state you do it so it can be done, then why don’t you get off your 200 pop server and join the rest of the 95% of the community. Because your example doesn’t matter at that point.

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They like to say dungeon finder means players will sit in a city, but they never say why.

Someone can sit in a city with or without rdf, so that argument makes no sense.

However, the thing with rdf is that thanks to the convenience and accessibility and automated feature you’re actually free to do other things. Which means you can be out in the world doing whatever you want, not 100% focused on just getting into a dungeon group.

Thanks to the teleporting to dungeons you can go anywhere without being denied because you’re too far away from a dungeon. Achievements give players tons of reasons to go back to kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms and Outland. That’s not going to happen without dungeon finder. Now you’re stuck in Northrend.

So the truth is dungeon finder will populate the world with players, and removing it means more players just sit in town.


Or just log out and play other games. I’ve been doing it for months now. I log in, i go to a spot near the shatt flight path, and afk for 3-4 hours while i’m tabbed out playing something else. Without RDF, I don’t see my experience in WOTLK being any different. Its a shame, because I’d love to be actually playing the game, but watching the /4 channel scroll by and getting constantly denied groups, I gave up.


Then go play Classic Era

I’m gonna watch you deflect when I point out it would be even worse with RDF…

amen brother. this is mine

Umm, this is how you fix being poor.

Even in retail. with its evil vile rdf/lfd. and…pours gasoline…lfr. that crap can take up to an hour slow days. that is an hour to make gold of some kind.

I put dungeons in list, pvp in list and off to run callings I go. and other money makers.

PLayers sitting in towns…is a personal choice. A potentially bad one.

When 70 I will queue the pvp. then hit my 70 daily crap. I need honor…and gold. PVP doesn’t pay well you see lol. still got to skin my butt off too.

I am not liking knothide prices. I ain’t AH’ing my final 25 levels of leatherworking. Price too high for my blood really. many animals will die at 70 to hit my 375 LW lol.

I am excited to read how having RDF makes it even worse.