We don't want flying

I believe flying became an issue especially in Mists of Pandaria. When a toon reached level 90 they could buy flying for 2,000 gold. There was little to no content in MoP for 90 level toons so they spent their time looting resources and one shotting enemy targets making the game hell for lower level toons. When BFA launched, I heard many players complain in Legion about the 120 toons in the Broken Isles. In addition, I believe that granting flying early to players allows them to by pass content that was carefully crafted for them to enjoy. So a compromise might be in order. Continue Pathfinder 1 and 2 in each expansion and DO NOT allow lower level toons flying until they max out their level once the Pathfinder requirements have been reached by a single toon.

So because you did the “grind” and didn’t like the “grind” that means “most people” also didn’t like the “grind”? Really?


I got Pathfinder 3 times by doing nothing other than what I normally do while I play. I find it fun to log in and do different things from questing to exploring to some dailies to some raiding to maybe a dungeon or two to whatever I feel like that day. I didn’t find Pathfinder a “grind”, I just played the game normally and…VOILA!..this Achievement toast popped up one day stating that I could fly when it was available in game.

So I conclude that “most” players also don’t mind Pathfinder at all.

How do I know most people didn’t mind getting Pathfinder and probably didn’t even notice they were doing anything out of the ordinary?

I did it and I didn’t pay any attention to what needed to be done or if I was doing it.

Do you see how ridiculous it is to base “everyone” on what you do now? If not, I’m not sure what to say.

Like I said. Some probably hated it. Some begrudgingly did it. Some didn’t care, they just wanted the reward. Some didn’t liked it. Some plain didn’t do it. NONE of those categories equal a “majority” of players, they are all just a sliver of the whole pie.

Regardless… Half to more than half of players completed Pathfinder for some reason or another, liked it or didn’t, didn’t care either way.

Who said that? I certainly didn’t comment on how people wanted to play the game. Obviously the majority of players want to control their travel or there wouldn’t have been such an uproar when Blizz tried to keep flight out of the game for good back in Warlords.

Nice putting words in my mouth, though.

What I said was the neither you nor I actually know how people felt about doing Pathfinder.
–Some probably hated it
–Some didn’t care
–Some didn’t mind it
–some probably enjoyed it
And that none of those groups of feelings about the achievement was likely a “majority”. ALL of the are probably a “minority”.

Reading comprehension seems to be a bit of a challenge here.

To be honest, I want flying so it will cut my daily WQs time down by like 70%! So I have time to do other things…


I don’t think you fully understand how the API for the Armory works vs. just what you can see when you look at the Armory. Perhaps you should do some research on that before claiming things are meaningless as you obviously lack understanding of the systems for data gathering Blizz offers these sites and how they actually work.

Blizzard should add pathfinder to in-game shop hate this rep grind bruh

With the flight path whistle, the need for flight isn’t there, but this is down to the design of the zones. In Warlords, the zones seemed to be designed for flight, even in early levels, but flight was made to be something that only a few people would get. It was just bad design.

In Legion, the zones aren’t designed as if you need flight. The ability to burrow through the ground into caves might be cool though.

Well OP, you aren’t speaking for me because I DO WANT flying. Flight paths are boring and take me out of the game making me alt-tab to youtube or the forums like now…

Having the game play for me and holding my hand is no fun, just makes things boring. I want to be in control of my flight.


And many of us DO care a lot. If you don’t, fine, don’t fly. it’s simple really. But don’t take something away from everyone just because YOU don’t want it.


YOU don’t want flying.

To which the answer is simply “Don’t fly.”

Any reason you had outside of PvP for wanting others grounded as well went away once ore/herb nodes became lootable by multiple people.


The only reason I will use flying is because everyone else will and I don’t want to fall behind for no reason. I would prefer if it was not added at least in WM.

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Fall behind what, exactly? With whom are you in competition?


As a gnome, you should be ashamed of yourself for spouting such nonsense.
We gnomes have developed aerial wonders and would be a shame to put all that tech to the ground.
Rise up and fly!


If flight had never existed, people would still care about intentionally misleading maps, terrain that is designed to annoy us and waste our time, and long distances to travel through packs of high aggro mobs.

What’s “unhealthy” is for world content to be designed to be not fun, then force people to do it many, many times to obediently complete their assignments like good little girls and boys. It removes all player agency and makes you into nothing more than a bot.

So often we heard that second argument “If you like flying you don’t like wow, you want to skip the real content, which is worthless trash mobs” during wod and during legion, and now again it pops up.

And who uses that argument? People who sat in their garrison and never went outside during wod. People who sat in Dalaran and never went outside of it unless they had orders to in Legion. And now people do the same thing.

People who use that argument are the ones who don’t like very much of the game at all. They don’t understand people who do like the outside world, They avoid it as much as possible themselves and stop doing world content as soon as it’s not forced on them any longer.


I don’t particularly care about flying now. I don’t go out into the world after hitting max generally. What I want is flying while it’s relevant and can allow me to ignore all but the absolute most essential stuff for quests during leveling so I don’t have to snore my way through facerolling mobs that knock me off my mount, etc.

Average wow gameplay is so incredibly undemanding. I don’t know how people find it fun.

Ironically, this is exactly why it’s gated behind Pathfinder.

Oh trust me, I know why they do it. They want to force me to “experience” their pathetically poor normie gameplay.

I don’t care one way or the other about flying, I just hate pathfinder and refuse to do it this time.