We cant change the color of our eyes? or the smoke coming out?

we then could change the smoke color coming out of the orbital voidness… not everything have to be super textual. or need to be base on the exact lore.
not many people play wow because the story.

You can no longer buy these Helmets. They were discontinued… A long time ago from what I remember.


Looks like 2 years ago, yep. RIP.

I’m responding seventeen days later because my mind is boggled. It’s because you don’t have eyes. There are no eyes in your head. How do you change the color of something that doesn’t exist? This isn’t about lore. This is just the ability to comprehend. That’s why you have all those blindfold options. Wow. “I wanna change my eye color even though I don’t have eyes and not giving me that option because of lore is unfair because i want my non existent eyes to be blue instead of nonexistent” is what you’re saying.

Dude, he literally said he wanted to change the color of the smoke coming from our burnt-out eyesockets. In the post you replied to. Beyond that, one of the face options for DHs, the one my DH uses incidentally, actually has glowing orbs in our eye sockets. And those could easily be changeable.


I just want red eyes for the sake of my edgy vampire fantasies since DH is the only class that can fulfill them. Is this too much to ask? DKs aren’t getting any smokey-eye love anytime soon, either. ;_;

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I’ll be honest, after playing through the campaign on the beta, I really just kinda want to slaughter the entirety of the Venthyr and raze Revendreth to the ground. Those sparkly freaks are absolute tools. Like, to really drive it home (spoiler), the dude in charge of the Venthyr is literally the final boss of the first raid tier.

Vampires are bad guys!?

Faints and swoons and may be a little damp.

What eyes?