We can all win

pvp gearing requires 100x the time commitment as PVE. I have done both several times. PVE is much easier.

Its all a grind though, but fighting a real player is always going to be harder than fighting the same boss for the 67th time


To be fair, it could easily be argued that rank 14 could be earned without ever obliging combat with another player. Some just sit somewhere in AV where nobody will find them and don’t let themselves AFK out.

Just tag along on defense for a minimum of 15 HKs at some point at least once per week (without actually attacking anyone, just stand on the Stormpike GY flag or something).

The thing about the old system that arguably made it harder was due to the brackets, socializing and becoming known was part of the territory because you had to make a case for yourself to be invited to these groups.

Now, while the time investment requirement is still exorbitant, there is no need to premade because deranking isn’t a concern and brackets do not dictate who is PvPing, when, and how much.

Imo the endgame for rank 13-14-ers is World PvP and is exactly what I plan to do when I finish this grind.


No everything must be gate kept in a 15 year old video game. Everyone must queue wsg and AB and be curb stomped by premades using consumables. We can’t have everyone playing the game become rank 14. It will make all the 12 hour a day gamers feel like they wasted their time. We can’t have that.

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Hence, the 'beetus and DVTs from sitting on your backside, mindlessly queueing for 100 hours a week.

So could PVE as I have watched netflix during a raid and half arsed participated lol.

Regardless no grind should be “unhealthy” as the pvp grind was. 500k still a little over the top with some decay. 500k with no Decay is okay.

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I think it’s fine the way it is. The change to the PvP system was aimed at curbing the inter-faction manipulation of the ranking system, without changing much about the effort required to reach rank 14 and they hit a pretty good sweet spot for that goal.

Those who dislike the change need to probably decide on a narrative though, because I’ve seen both “It’s still unhealthy” and “Now everyone gets free rank 14!” posts within the same week.

I believe the rank point distribution needs to be looked at because the current “threshold” system is a bit wonky. Rank points gained should scale on a smoother curve with honor earned, but that’s a different discussion.


I think that’s how you know its in a good spot.

complaints on both ends.


Another hero

Regardless of my opinion I’m on the toilet getting paid at work so doesn’t really matter if you guys agree or not.

-No Decay
-More Honor required (14 obtainable without getting a divorce or neglecting your family… just would take a lot longer)
-Buff WSG/AB honor… Let’s be real… AV is PvEvp (lower case p due to the lack of PvP) the moment you attempt to pvp you are attacked by your own faction for “turtling”
-More rank 14s would lead to less RMT (prove me wrong)


I agree. Rank 14 shouldn’t be a full time job. This is just encouraging gold buying/gdkps to those who can’t make 500k a week just to compete.

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1 hour in this AV. Blizzard get rid of decay.

or re-roll horde

That’s the spirit. Switch sides! Thank you. I never thought of that. Instead of reroll maybe Blizz can add faction change.

Once people realize 500k or 2 million per week doesn’t take skill only no life we can change in a positive way. There is no skill involved to get to Rank 14 with the old system or the new system. You can literally afk your way to Rank 14. For some reason the gatekeepers who did 2 million per week want you to believe they are more skilled and you will never reach their skill level. It crazy they care so much about keeping decay even though you could have a bot afk in the cave all the way to Rank 14 and Blizzard won’t even ban you.


ewwww be careful you gon have Mootoo shoe boy and Lazzer in here screaming at you about how amazing it was to be r14 before vs now.+


They will accuse me of being you lol.

LoL i know.

I am like 10 different people on this forum right now according to the toxic kids.

I am throwing hands lol! This will confuse the hell out of them 3.

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bro please dont lol. These kids are already stalking me as it is.

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I am aslo Throwinhands.

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