We as a community should consider the environmental impact of our gaming rigs!

Agreed. We should be moving to nuclear.

Nuclear is fine and absolutely freakin’ cool. I wish people stopped writing it off out of fearmongering. :’(

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Consider this: How much energy are you wasting playing a video game?

How much do you contribute to big companies who need to expand their carbon footprint to service your gaming needs?

Are you planning to give up WoW in the name of global warming?

Probably not.

And consider this: The planet Mars is warming up also. How is that possible if Mankind is responsible for global warming?

Consider also the extra environmental cost to produce new electric vehicles.

Op must have wasted a looooooot of water thinking up all that. Next time, consider the environment.

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The “carbon footprint” of the average person is so small that if every person reduced theirs by half it wouldn’t make up 1% of the pollution pumped into the skies by factories in Asia alone. People duped by politics don’t really understand the scale of things.

I think it’s partially “people duped by politics”, in that the few massively polluting corporations have successfully deflected blame from themselves onto individuals with no power, so we don’t get outraged and overthrow them.

So we don’t go, “holy poop, we need to nationalize their butts and dismantle them before we all go extinct,” but rather, “oh wow, did you ever think about how much your gaming rig hurts Mother Earth? Don’t forget to Vote Bloo!”

And it’s also partially a coping mechanism: the scope of the ongoing disaster is so overwhelming, people need to feel empowered and in control of their lives just a little bit for their own sanity, so they fret about sorting their recyclables and which environmentally friendly chocolate bar to buy.


Basically. Once Shell cuts their emissions by 20%, I’ll consider doing the same for mine.

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