We are winning too much honor points per BG


  • having about 10 days to play pre-patch when back in the day we had roughly 40 days is definitely worth consideration
  • Nerf is too much and Blizzard clearly has made another miscalculation in their supposed “bug fix”
  • the current state of Battlegrounds and honor rewards just encourages players to AFK

Now that the Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch is fully underway, it has become clear that there could be even more reasons to jump in and play WoW Classic ahead of the Dark Portal opening.

More Honor

This is a different pre-patch than players experienced in January 2007. On the PvP side of things, players are much more focused on earning level-60 gear rewards than ever before, and with June 1 rapidly approaching, we’ve seen a lot of feedback that the rate of Honor earnings could stand to be increased.

For the rest of the pre-patch timeframe, we’re doubling Honor gains from all sources in the Burning Crusade pre-patch. This will also double the additional Honor granted by the weekend holidays for each Battleground and it will double the Honor reward from the daily Call to Arms quest, so you’ll want to include those in your plans.

Speaking of Battleground weekend events, it looks like the default calendar had Eye of the Storm during pre-patch. That won’t do, so we’re changing the order. The weekend currently underway will switch to Arathi Basin, and we’ll follow that next week with an Alterac Valley bonus weekend. You can expect that update with the next realm restarts in this region (soon).

Double Honor will also go into effect with realm restarts, and thereafter, we expect that there may be some scorecard elements that don’t display it accurately. Don’t worry; the extra Honor will be counted.

More Faire

We love the Darkmoon Faire and there are some fun benefits to having it active during pre-patch, so we’re initializing it this weekend. That means you’ll see the setup going on in Mulgore, and then the Faire will be open for business starting on Monday, May 24.

The Darkmoon Faire will then return on schedule (to Elwynn Forest) in June.

Good luck defeating your enemies on the field of battle and/or getting your fortune read by Sayge!


The messed up part my friend and I were excited to grind up bgs for gear to level together. This change happened and now we don’t even feel motivated to play the game until launch. We just went back to playing Final Fantasy 14 because those developers actually care about the community.


More Honor

This is a different pre-patch than players experienced in January 2007. On the PvP side of things, players are much more focused on earning level-60 gear rewards than ever before, and with June 1 rapidly approaching, we’ve seen a lot of feedback that the rate of Honor earnings could stand to be increased.

For the rest of the pre-patch timeframe, we’re doubling Honor gains from all sources in the Burning Crusade pre-patch. This will also double the additional Honor granted by the weekend holidays for each Battleground and it will double the Honor reward from the daily Call to Arms quest, so you’ll want to include those in your plans.

Speaking of Battleground weekend events, it looks like the default calendar had Eye of the Storm during pre-patch. That won’t do, so we’re changing the order. The weekend currently underway will switch to Arathi Basin, and we’ll follow that next week with an Alterac Valley bonus weekend. You can expect that update with the next realm restarts in this region (soon).

Double Honor will also go into effect with realm restarts, and thereafter, we expect that there may be some scorecard elements that don’t display it accurately. Don’t worry; the extra Honor will be counted.

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The honor figures are still incorrect. Doubling them is not a fix. GET YOUR NUMBERS RIGHT, IDIOT DEVS!

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Anyone work here


As far as I’m concerned it’s fixed man. We were never going to get the x10 for what it was, and lets be real. We can all agree it felt higher than it should’ve been. We got an answer and we got double honor for everything for the rest of prepatch. AND THE COMMUNICATED AND LISTENED, somewhat. I’ll consider this a win, and take it. Let’s be done here boys.

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And no, it wasn’t x10 too high. And yes it could, and probably should be higher than double. Tbh i’m just happy we got words from someone.

Revert back to what it was before; give us our chance to abuse the system like 1/3 of the player base grinding all day yesterday. Stop making me waste my time blizzard, I honestly do NOT accept this nor my post getting “redacted”

Call me the villain all you want. But I got dlipped over like everybody else that was busy that day; and I won’t stop complaining until we all have our time at the honor house too.

Edit: Everybody gave GREAT ideas to fix it; and you all ignored it AGAIN. This is bloody ridiculous. I’m not resubbing Blizzard; I told you, clocks ticking. Also stop trashing my posts, this is my feedback. I’ve been with this company for all it’s span, is this how you really treat your customers?


I wish players would open their eyes and realize that this changes nothing, it still means you need to run 80 bgs for a single piece…

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Overnights, fri-Tuesday. SEcurity job. I get paid to sleep pretty much, thinking about an amazon delivery job during the day to supplement the income. Work during the day, then sleep at my other job. WIN WIN

So instead of 200 we get 400. I see well 1 item Andy.

This is a personal attack now. I’m not taking this

The double honor buff still not being enough issue aside it amazes me how much Honor has been buffed/nerfed in such a short time span. First it gets nerfed by 90%, and then that number gets buffed by 100%. Why not just take a bit of time to figure out numbers first rather than throwing out these drastic changes and then having to try and make quick fixes because of the mess you’ve made by rushing out quick fixes.

I’m not sure why this would be so difficult. Return honor to what it was before the 90% nerf. Remove honor from all players upon the actual release of TBC. People can actually farm out their levelling gear, you don’t have to worry about people saving honor for when they hit 70 and immediately buying gear and having an advantage. Is this really so complicated?

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You guys already posted great alternatives; I’ve seen ideas of even just lowering the honor price of the gm gear if its too complicated for them. But no; we’re all to suffer the sins of our overlords.

It’s simply not fair. I don’t even care about the 70 crap, I just wanted to walk through that portal prepared unlike when I was in high school when it last happened. Look what Blizzard has done to this grown man. Begging for a chance to get his GM set despite of it being useless compared to level 64 blues.

I know I’m not the only one with this feeling here. Getting ripped off your chance of getting it in a day. How else do I react? Tired of losing bro


I feel you bro, sad dayzzzzz

Guy posts a complaint about too much honor and it gets addressed within a few hours.
People point out how it’s wrong, make multiple posts and complaints, multiple replies over the course of almost a day now and blizzard hasn’t said anything.
Prepatch launch was a giant failure.
Multiple bugs after launch that didn’t get addressed until after this honor hotfix.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many screw-ups in such a short period of time.


no but for real. revert the nerf entirely. youve already upset everyone playing, just give us something for once.


Did you play BFA launch?

#said something, i do wish it was pro-rated and i wish theyd have come out and announced an honor wipe at 70 but, im going to play and have fun.