We are owed at least a day from the downtime

Do they compensate for the servers beings down or do they just say hey who cares about the ppl who pay to play this game.

They already announced they’ll be giving 1 day of game time for the long maintenance.


Do… do you not read the latest updates before complaining ?


Downtime is factored into the cost. However the +1 day is something I won’t complain about.

They already started

You will be pleased to know that your wish has been granted. (:sunglasses:

Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Im starting to think they did it just to roast the trolls that dont pay attention


You’ve definitely eaten boogers without knowing it at a restaurant, friend.

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Given that this is GD, can’t waiting for the incoming thread(s) asking that the free time be applied when the player wants it.

They already did. Enjoy your $0.50!!



Well I see the op opened their mouth (or should I say typing fingers ) before engaging their brain…

Ok kids , this is what happens when you don’t pay attention to what’s going on ( anouncement on added day already ) and shoot your mouth ( typed out thoughts) off.

This is unhealthy man you needed the break trust me

They already did. Now go spend that 50 cents you saved in a gum ball machine.

Lol :rofl: are you new here?