Way to put delays into macros?

So I made this macro:

/cast Soulburn
/cast [@cursor] Demonic Gateway
/use Gateway Control Shard

The purpose was to have an instant GTFO button, but it doesn’t quite work.

After casting an instant-cast demonic gateway, it takes a fraction of a second (0.2-0.5 sec) for the gateway to actually form, but the macro /uses the gateway control shard instantly before the gateway is down, giving an error message.

Now, if you hit the macro a second time, it works, but I would like a way to delay the /use for a set period, something like

/cast Soulburn
/cast [@cursor] Demonic Gateway
/delay 0.4
/use Gateway Control Shard

but I can’t find a delay command function.

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the only way i know of would be to do a /castsequence… i would love your delay idea as well.

I seem to recall, way back in the beginning, that there was a way to put a delay in a macro but it was removed fairly quickly so folks wouldn’t one button everything.

Not possible for combat macros.

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/cast soulburn
/castsequence [@cursor] reset=10 demonic gateway,gateway control shard

Just double-click that fast and it works. Soulburn only gets used once, not twice, because it has a CD.