Way to cut SoD's legs from under it

Fresh next week right before AQ starts? Great timing lol.


couldnā€™t have happened to a more deserving classic variant :expressionless:


I dont think its going to impact things as much as everyone thinks. There will definitely be a surge of players bc its fresh, but many (myself included) wont go back to Era after being spoiled by SoD. Personally not interested in going back to one button classes and auto attack simulator while fighting against 39 other people for two pieces of loot lol. Flex raiding alone has been such a game changer, as well as more avenues to getting loot.


Long overdue.


Probably the only oneā€™s taking Blizzard up on the offer will be Warriors. :rofl:

((Iā€™m sorry, Warriors, Iā€™m messing with you. But itā€™s true!))

At most I may casually level a 60 and park it for TBC next year. Server surge of leveling is enjoyable, but I canā€™t do the same content again with little class diversity.

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lmaoooo ayyyy :expressionless:

Try every single pvpā€™r.

Sod is dog water for true pvpā€™rs



If you want PVP games, you should play games that donā€™t ā€˜dice rollā€™ if you hit the enemy or not.

Warriors are good now.

I donā€™t remember rolling any dice when camping people in wowā€¦

Where you see these dice?

pretty solid plan honestly

Sods legs were cut when they showed zero interest in actually doing what they said they would do and put unfinished/custom content in.
p1 was ascension wow runes and bfd, and a barebones ashenvale ā€œeventā€
p2 was the stv ā€œeventā€ and bad gnomeregan.
p3 was the fiasco that was emerald incursions and really bad sunken temple
p4 was literally just som ragnaros, an absolute mockery of a ā€œsecret bossā€ with the rank 250 private server coded ā€œmolten coreā€ and a BRM event that no one ever did.
p5 was just som bwl with a weird m+ affix loot system that is immediately abandoned going into AQ
p6 is literally just aq. Nothing else. JUST AQ.
p7 is JUST naxx, instanced scarlet outdoor content (from what the preview looked like) and a 5 man karazhan crypts instance that likely will be lackluster just like the ashenvale dungeon was.

and then nothing. They keep claiming that something will happen but even the roadmap has literally nothing for sod after p7.

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But the forums! D:

((I jest. All the classes perform pretty good; some great, but none are bad unless youā€™re using a Ranked Score Card. Where someone has to be last.))

Do you not use a gun with Light Shot ammo? Thems be dice. xD

Imagine Grinding MC and BWL in SoD for months, to now go to vanilla to grind once again MC and BWL for months then jump into PANDARIA and then another fresh to grind once again MC and BWL JAJAJAJAJAJAJ


I donā€™t think so. Classic is terrible. Itemization is crap. Many class/specs are non viable. 2 button rotations.

Now that Iā€™ve gotten use to SODs class abilities and itemization, I just canā€™t go back to classic

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Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing. Leveling to 60 and then putting him on ice until a week before tbc.

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