Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

I thought so. Pathfinder is still a thing in SL then.

unfortunately yes

That’s for leveling. Like we have now that lets you get upgrades (faster riding speed). I doubt very much it’s for SL but more for leveling in older content.

The link is from 7d ago, so it’s for SL.

Hazel also recaps it here:

sigh, its for OLD WORLD FLYING

It’s a tool. A time saver. A convenience.

But no, it’s not content, nor does it allow access to any content in pathfinder zones. There are no mechanics, there is no combat, there are no choices to be made. At best, you might fly around and take some screenshots once from your newfound vantage point.

I totally get enjoying the convenience flight brings. But between the abundance of flight paths, the flightmaster’s whistle, and constantly reduced Hearthstone cooldowns, getting around is a very negligible issue even without flight most of the time.


You don’t need a daily quest to do 4 dailies - you can just make dailies themselves rewarding.

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Pathfinder still exists in the Shadowlands content.

SL will still have pathfinder. No one here cares about old world flying. We’re discussing SL flying.

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Making dailies rewarding is not in the control of the player.

Now THEY could. I would assume they won’t though. Rep grinding is going to be more of a pain with no emissaries.


we will agree to disagree on flight

pathfinding aside and Babie Dolls, what are you looking forward to exactly?

Inless they bring back class tiers it still looks like a pass for me.

I mean… if you don’t know why Shadowlands is looking to be a good xpac then you probably never played this game in the first place.

Bye Felicia

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don’t count your chickens before there hatched…BFA looked good on paper and alpha too…not saying it won’t be…but blizzard can have one of those hold my beer moments

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Honestly this is the sad thing and whole reason I hate pathfinder.

It’s not time gating flying that is annoying to me, but the fact that content has to be designed around not having flying to the point it impacts design options that could be made.

Places like Stormpeaks and Icecrown are decent examples of how altitude and flying can be included into content, as is the entrance to Blackwing Decent from Cataclysm.

Even just the added content of being able to access the daily areas for TBC was great as it gave you access to this new inaccessible endgame area in a totally natural way.

It’s disappointing that a focus on keeping us grounded prevents us from having interesting design choices built around it.

It’s why I dislike pathfinder, but also can’t give a hoot about when I finally unlock pathfinder either. (Because making it quicker ain’t gonna convince me to do those WQs still)


We’re still in the hype phase. They prolong that until reality sets in, then the voices go quiet.

To be fair i saw Heart of azeroth and the azerite armor stuff and i knew it would be bad.


Dude, it’s going to be great. The story lines already in their Alpha phases look great, the gear visuals are back to the top of their game, no more titanforging, the list goes ON. If I had it already, I’d be playing Alpha instead of lying down typing right now to a non-believing neigh-sayer who just wants his/her 15 min of fame and is willing to put down what is gearing up to be the next Legion in terms of WoW-saving expansions to get it.

Grow up and save your harsh critisms for when you actually get a chance to play it for yourself; you may even be pleasantly surprised. Who knows.

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I don’t want to bang my head against a wall a lot so I can pretend to be a l33t player. I see no casual content upcoming.