Watch the World of Warcraft Expansion Reveal Now!

Thats bad enough its almost believable.


Can you guys please make it so us pvpers don’t have to do boring pve content?

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If I hit us with bad juju then I am sorry.

They should def respect that the PVE world and the PVP world are completely different and that their communities should have their progression systems that line up with their favored activities without feeling forced to the opposite content if they don’t want to.


Don’t forget the things that are broken or people hated (and reported in beta) taking over a year before Blizzard fixes them or listens to the players.


The time is at hand to get a sneak peek at what’s next for the heroes of Azeroth.

The World of Warcraft development team is excited to share what they’ve been working on, and we invite you to mark your calendars, so you don’t miss a moment.

I hope there will be features announced and not just story :+1:

Because it bugs you that’s why


I really want to see Tinkerer become the third mail armor class. PLEASE ADD TINKERER!

I have only logged once when patch 9.1 to put all my gold in one toon and one more time a week ago because I was talking to old friends and wanted to see the 400 mount achievement mount. So yeah your point is moot here.

As for what I am playing I am having fun playing TBC classic a game that is 9 years old that I already know everything that is going to give me yet enjoying it more than grinding like a damn robot for weeks just so I can have a real shot at playing the actual game. Enjoy having to invest 5 hours every day in a grind game just to be able to have some fun.

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I am super hyped. Looking forward to some good changes.

I hope you find happiness wherever you end up.

And see you in the next expansion I’m sure.

 can’t wait for another round warcraft esports

Over the years yall butchered the lore, story.
Game play is the same of most phone games now
 click a few buttons and wait weeks or months for the next cycle.

Crafting it pure garbage these days. I gave up all crafting on all characters just for herbalist and mining. At least make gold that way.

 not even gonna try anymore.

Dragons? Yay
 the last good thing about this game and that will soon be thrown into the meat grinder and turned into a 1$ Mcburger.

The only good and fun thing anymore was last season, running m+ inviting key holders to the group. And kicking them from my personal 4 man friend group at the last boss, easy keys. Many tears, much fun.

And no, I dont care what you think.

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This game hasnt been good in TEN YEARS. I dont expect anything but more BAD! Blizz never does anything good its all bad and I’m living proof that you cant fool people more than 5 times!! Flying Danuser repected time slap in the face borrowed power lies bad culture Ion HongKong Discord forum whales apologists white knights stopped releasing sub numbers ActiBlizz MAU LBGT POC PVP PVE vault systems currency no redemption Pelagos :rage: :rage: :rage:

When is the expac presale , please?

logs in


I’m not disagreeing that the systems started off poorly. But eventually, by the end of the expansion, they were ok. This ties into my comment why I wish they were evergreen rather than just borrowed and thrown away. Once Blizzard gets it somewhat right, they should keep it instead of just throwing it out in favor of something new.

And I stand behind my original point. Any complementary system is better than a boring singular progression path of gearing. Tons of MMOs out there have player power progression beyond gearing. WoW should never go back to the Vanilla model.


Which begs the question: if these systems require iteration to become tolerably functional, why throw them out and start over every two years? That is time and money that could have been spent on other features down the drain, no?

You people obviously don’t get these systems are based around the expansion setting and story and to CONTROL ability bloat and numbers. You people obviously don’t get it and just want these systems to continue on forward when it will be problematic when you obviously don’t have knowledge on game development or game design.

Yea shame on you for not taking it ( snicker snicker :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) seriously this

Confront the forces that threaten to upset the cosmic balance? Why can’t we confront the shallow and repetitive gameplay first? Maybe also take a swing at alternatives to the cesspool that is M+?


I dunno man for a guy that was been playing since 2004-05, who has 5+ server firsts, who has more than 40 chars above level 50 to be able to do the mount events (funny on this I am so burned from retail I did not even care to try and get the rocket this year at all). The fact I could rip myself from playing in patch 9.1 and not come back its pretty telling and makes me be sure that unless they blow me the freak out of the water on the 19th I will not see you next expansion.

Same hope you find happiness grinding for 5 hours daily just to be able to raid. But not all of us can be crazy masochists. It gets to a point where you will stop and realized what am I doing here? like I did


I don’t raid regularly. I’m a casual putterer and have been for many years. I don’t drive myself nuts trying to race to get things done so I’ll be ok and happy.

I’m looking forward to the expansion no matter what it is. New and different stuff is always exciting.

When I get bored or tired of it all, I just take a little break and play something else. :slight_smile:


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