Wassup all Leelinn here

Top secret intel you say?


Almost everyone has pointy ears in this here thread!



Yes. Except for those humans lurking in the corner over there.

(looks around suspiciously)

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Weā€™re good at avoiding being found by humans.

You bought into the overrated Vulpera hype train? as Alliance? ewwwwwwww :stuck_out_tongue:

i know right? absolutely disgusting

we should be hyping dwarves instead


Most underrated race in the game tbh.

They have better hair than the elves.

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on their heads and their chins

if i had likes to give Iā€™d give you one

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ahhh yessā€¦ a friendly reminder that these forums have terrible systems

What? This girl is just a dwarfed worgen who hopped into the future and stole one of the worgen tails, and who is mistaken for a vulpera.

(Oops meant to post on my vulpera)


but also I lowkey agree, but also also thereā€™s nothing wrong with fun threads.

Ok thenā€¦ dwarves have nice beards that make me just want to cuddle up into them and braid them to my hearts content. They make great beer and will happily get me drunk for free.

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Someone call the fox hunter?

Euch get out Lovefool. Normally Iā€™d appreciate you posting in my thread but that level of cruelty is just unacceptable.

I only comment that most of my horde brethren consider the vulpera to be ā€œvermin.ā€

I personally am ambivalent to them.

im not

i eat vulpera for breakfast




MONSTER! And I thought I knew youā€¦

i donā€™t believe you