Was there a character wipe during the maintenance?

When I signed on, just a minute ago, I noticed my one and only character was back to level 70. Was a level 71 character.

No! If you also saw, it was the wrong realm as well. You are looking at PTR realms. Beta realms are still down. This happened last week, it will happen next week, and the week after that.

I’m sorry, I just hear this too often, it gets annoying fast. Nothing personal. My post here is simply to tell anyone who reads this that they are horribly mistaken.

Funny, my character retained the name from the beta server. I never created a PTR character, so I am a little confused. I have no problem waiting.

You sure? Or is the character from the PTR (not just TWW PTR, could be from PTR from DF at any point) that you copied from Live server, which is also the same character you copied to Beta?

The name I created for the beta server was a name I have never used on any server. I liked the name and had tried to create a character with the same name on Area 52, but couldn’t as it was taken. When I signed in it showed the same two 2 beta servers I’ve always seen: wow1 and wow7.

i thought i’d try the beta just now but the realms are down? any word on when they’ll be back up?

That funny, I just signed into wow1 and it shows I am playing Dragonflight with this name from the beta. ???

Something is screwed up. Hope it’s not me.

I’m beginning to think it is me. lol

Nah, things are just wonky while they are doing Test Tues Mx. Right now the realms are all off-line. Just let it play out.

Sometimes, key-word, you can get a clue the realms are close to being up when they update the below link, which so far accompanies a new build on Tues.

My subscription to WoW just expired. I bought the Epic Edition to TWW, so I was wondering how this was going to work out. Would I have or be entitled to the Beta since I bought the Epic Edition?

If you can post on this forum you can get into the beta. Id wait a few hrs +/- until the realms come back online.

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Great! Wonderful! Play Beta without a subscription. Love it :slight_smile:

For now, at least.

Until they catch me :slight_smile:

Last I checked, the epic edition had 30 days of game time as part of the package.

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It did, but my sub expired today. We will see how this turns out.

F…ookin Idiot, If i wanted stupid ookin remark from you I would have singled you out.
Then we can make it personal but ur just f’ing classic forum bish. I’m right here ya bish.

Have another
