Was just listening to the Q4 conference call

https://youtu.be/dUSRkBwQdc8?t=269 You mean like this?

“Development of a classic server option”

https://youtu.be/dUSRkBwQdc8?t=269 You mean like this?

“Development of a classic server option”

No, they did not say its because it was no easy to implement, they said because they dont want to, as they dont want people playing it for live rewards.

WoW classic is free to anyone currently subbed, so bassicly they dont see it as a HUGE outcome, as really its hard to tell just how well it will actually do.

Alot of people wont play it cause “blizz sux”
alot of people wont play cause “my server free, blizz 15$”
alot of people wont play cause “My friends and gear here”
and alot will say “Its not real vanila” while playing on their servers that claim “blizz-like” but have upwartds of 40% bonus exp.

Indeed it’s not like they have a problem linking rewards across any of their bnet games, even if classic was a completely separate game it seems like it would be relative bau to do.

They specifically said they don’t want rewards linked.

Honestly though, “a lot” is relative here. The people who play for a true classic vanilla experience is the largest slice of the vanilla community pie while the rest are fragmented. The largest and best-known of these server providers will be shutting down with the release of Classic. A lot of those players will be coming over. The pservers left have issues. One in particular is known to be very corrupt. The other is… OK, could see an uptick of people who don’t want to support Blizzard for one reason or another.

In short, though, I think a very large amount of pserver players will move over to Classic-- at least for a while. We’ll see.

The ones who are smart will move to Classic. Server takedowns and behind-the-scenes personal drama are usually the story that goes hand-in-hand with these private servers.

If the dumb ones aren’t making the move, nothing of value is lost.

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Agree 100%

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The catch, however, is that there’s more dumb people than there are smart people. It’s a good thing Classic isn’t really its own product, otherwise it would flop horribly. Probably.

I stand to be wrong on my prediction of the outcome here, but yeah… I don’t believe that many people will come flocking back to Classic. There’s a lot of bad blood that goes back decades. Some folks I’ve spoken to still haven’t forgiven Blizzard for their FIRST expansion, let alone their latest.

If they end up pulling the plug on their “passion project” Classic, I look at it as a possible bonus for me. I have been looking for a reason to pull the plug on retail since the grind became so ridiculous with artifact weapons, and now Azerite power. MMOs are about grinds, but this is just silly. Nothing original, just recycling content.

If they pull the plug I’ve got other classic, non-MMO fantasy RPG’s I can play instead.

cough cough Daggerfall cough cough

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Gotta do what makes you happy, and logging into a game because I don’t wanna get too far behind, as opposed to logging in because it’s fun, is just not… fun.

Exactly. That’s why I’m looking forward to Classic – no pressure in that version of WoW since it in all likelihood will not get expansions.

Yup, and now it sounds like it’s being shelved for now, or possibly permanently. Sucks, man.

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This doesn’t sound like that to me at all, actually. Those 800 people were probably going to be let go anyway, just the stocks plummeting expedited it.

Classic is in all likelihood still happening, we’re just not going to hear about it until the next Watercooler post, whenever that is.

Truly hope you’re right. The prospect of it coming out this year is the only thing making me keep my sub active. If it gets postponed (best case), or perma shelved (worst case), I’ll have to be done after 14ish years. Not saying my solo sub will make an impact, but I would bet the farm I’m not alone in my thought process.

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classic is a niche game. its not expected to have millions of players or make tons of money

Hell, since there’s no price tag actually associated with it (apart from the retail sub), it’s not expected to make ANY money. It’s literally just a passion project that Blizzard wants to put out there. That’s all.

People thinking it’d get as much development as retail are fooling themselves.

Which begs the question…will Activision keep it a priority in their portfolio now that they are in the process of re-organizing and refocusing on projects that “boost revenue” and are in alignment with their strategic vision…which seems to be mobile gaming and Asian markets.

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I doubt it was ever a “priority” to begin with. In the same way that Diablo Immortal and Warcraft 3 Reforged are not priorities.

The conference call specifically said there were no frontline releases coming in 2019. Diablo Immortal, WC3, and WoW Classic are not frontline releases. A frontline release would be a Diablo 4, SC2 expansion/SC3, or new WoW expansion, or Overwatch sequel, or other brand new title that’s not a remake/remaster.

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