"Warthin" is the abbreviation we are going with?

tbc, cata, mop all great names.

I agree with two of those, the other is just something you use to clean the floor with.

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I don’t think I’ll ever seriously use “Warthin”. TWW is okay. I’d even consider just saying WAR (all caps) even though it’s not an acronym.


I’m calling it Tee-Dubs and nobody can stop me!


Why not just War

World of warcraft-War

No one is gonna confuse in with warlords because everyone called that wod

What about ”low noon”?

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how about the coming expansions

the last one could be TLT if you want. But those seem easy to remember.

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I read it and think cookies. XD

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I’m seeing an agenda of alts, idiots and friends attempting to force their stupidity with troll threads on an abbreviated name.

Personally, I’m going with WS1, then WS2, then WS3.
Why? Because it’s ONE expansion (World Soul) split into three chapters.


Said it elsewhere already but imho Within is fine, the War part is already implied with World of Warcraft it’s in the Warcraft part don’t need to say War a second time. World of Warcraft: Within, WoW:Within or just Within.

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The cracker people. There’s lots of cracker people so it’s natural for them to name everything after a cracker.

WW is another option.

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I like Wart.

Wart is a great name for an expac.


Or spelling Wheat Thins the wrong way

As said before I’m stickin to TWW

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Pretty sure most non-psychopathic people are going with WW or TWW.

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Naming it after a tumor seems right tho so Warthin is fine.

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More a lesion than a tumor.

What about non-sociopathic humans?

I plan to use “With”. Or, if I’m feeling smug and geeky: “11.X”

I hope this prevents me from getting some DSM “buff” :upside_down_face:

With what though?

With crackers
With cheese
With ketchup
With child?

WoW With Ketchup does sound good right about now.


How about this “with”:

Or we can go War of Wordcraft: Prepositional Phrases

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War of Wordcraft… Isn’t that just crossword puzzles?