Warsong Alliance Reconnections

Holy s***. Quicker my guy! I remember you raiding with us for a bit. Can we all agree that the best guy on Warsong was Silenthobo? (Rip, poor kid)


  • Penii/Peni - Dwarf Paladin
  • Valkrin - Dwarf Priest


  • Crimson Vision -> Team Andromeda -> Exousia -> Corp Hur -> Midnight
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I was Juniormint the Gnome Warrior
I think the guild was Church can’t remember
I had a druid friend who smoked a lot of Hooka. Wish I remembered his name!

DUDE !! So sad man i ran into Vakex the warlock in Swtor years later and he filled me in!!! Glad to see you buddy!

Breadfan - Dwarf Warrior - NoX


Pissedjedi protection warrior and warlock.

Krotar - Gnome Warlock used to play with Urdead, Jezabelle, Macattack, Burgle, Spukiss, Aravis, and many more.

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Eklina Human Paladin - Raided MC and BWL.

was in NoX

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from Fusion & Divine Right and later Corp hur


@Barsto , Susiepoo, Eacrappies hit me up BattleNet Aptek#11413


Derris - Human Warrior - NoX

I’m still level 60 on Warsong. I’m finally free of my time prison. I am a walking time capsule.

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How’d you know Vakex? He wasn’t a bad guy once you got to know him and his brother was a friggin riot. Terrible at shadow priest but still funny

Mythose - Still using the same toon after 15 years.

Guilds - Denied, merged to form Corp Hur, and ended in Shinra Electric Power Co.

You folks made me very rich in vanilla buying my devilsaur gear and onyxia scale cloaks, and you’re all awesome. Hope to see some of you again soon :wink:

I’d love to hear from a few peeps if you’re out there: Lorinda (NE Priest) and Kalduraas (Dwarf Paladin) who were my first leveling buddies. Anthem (Human Mage), Reksy (NE Hunter), Tyrna (NE Druid), Bomoghani (sp? NE Druid), Kaiden (NE Rogue, one of the few who could beat me in duels… occasionally), probably a dozen more.

Where are all the Redrum guys, Hypnotize, Musa, Anilogas?

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i mean he rolled with us in the main squad if i remember right? I just ran into him on SWTOR years later just complete chance we where on the same server there. I asked him if he kept up with anyone else from Midnight and he said he thought a bunch of them Like Croix , Shnu and a few others still played back then but even that was like what? 7-8 years ago at this point lol we old vets now bro haha

Despare Ne GM Rogue Checking in!
Where’s all my old PvPers and Guildies ?!

Right, but who were you in Vanilla? Croix, Shnu, Furty, Mist and possibly a couple others ended up playing SWTOR, but I ended up on a different server than them…without meaning to, picked the server that the DnT guys were playing on.

Fun fact about Midnight? The core 15-20 members were all from the same area / knew each other in some fashion

Played this same character.
Varangian Guard.
Hit me up.

Rayxor - Priest
Goldenshoe - Rogue

Guild was Goons