Warrior/Warlock Looking for a Guild

Looking for a home for my 2 toons. Thinking of transferring wondering if there is a casual-semi serious raiding guild that might want me around.

We are open recruiting in indesertus. Taking it easy till xpack. Then we will be really focusing more but not on the hardcore mythic. But we will do it just at a more leisure style. If interested hit me up. We have been raiding together since vanilla.

Come over to Team Rocket, we’d be happy to have you and help you get geared up.

Calamity Area-52 is a fairly new guild built from members who have been playing wow together for years. We got away from the big guild mentality where people are just numbers. We’re a social bunch of friends who bust on one another, but welcome in new people as our own.

We have a very active discord, people always looking to run keys, pvp etc.

If you are looking solely to raid this is the info for that:

Tues/Wed 12-3am EST.
5/12 M Current progression is Ra’den

We are open to any and all people who can perform. I don’t care if you play the best spec in the game or the worst. Show me you don’t die and the dps will come naturally, especially where we are at with borrowed power.

What we will offer you if you come here?
You WILL see the content this game has to provide. Your needs as a raider will be taken care of. And most important you’re going to be apart of a solid community.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in please contact me on discord or bnet.

Discord : skro#9372
Bnet : Skro#11555