Warriors ranked in M+

Oh hey I missed this one .

Brilliant idea. Let all class specs play exactly the same so raider .io cannot differentiate between them . BLink ?charge?? same deal. Get rid of everything that makes the classes unique and add stuff that makes them all play exactly the same. :+1:t2:

It’s not fact, it’s your opinion, and it is showing some black-and-white thinking on your part. There are not two extremes of everything the same or everything is unbalanced. Classes can be balanced to be closer together so it is harder to discern a meta of just a few. An example for dps would be if the dps classes all put out damage within 5% of each other.

No its fact

Rank 1 can be held by only 1 spec, the next will be rank 2

So in the end there will be only 3 specs. delete other 33 specs since they do not matter to pushing content or make them play exactly the same so all of them are rank 1 according to raider .io . :rofl:

how does tuning warriors mean they will be wont be unique… judging by every sarcasm laden reply clear you are just trolling

Warriors ? I am talking about every class that does not fit the rank 1 status .

Yeah if you make classes play exactly the same none of them become unique.

Might as well rename all classes that can tank as “Tank”, like wise for Dps as “Damage” and Healers as “Healers”. Why call a mage “a mage” or hunter a “hunter” just call them Dps.

prot warriors are so easy to heal and they hold aggro so well

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Yeah but according to raider .io overlords we are not rank 1 tank spec so we suck :rofl: :rofl:


Nobody is asking for that… people just want a competitive spec. Completely different things. stop trolling this thread

Inorder to be competitive you need to get rid of all attachments in the game. Class, race, spec , pugging , lore anything that is is not related to improving combat effectiveness else you are just a fake and should stop pretending that you are competitive.

If you do simple math permutation and combinations and if each class in your group is rank 2 which according to one poster is 5% less effective . Your group is 18% less effective than the rank 1 group and you are not competing with them . FACT

in what universe would anyone take this seriously.

Woot! Warrior finally join us DH!

I guess if we’re going to hang out together we may as well start a band.

Doesn’t surprise me and it’s why I haven’t logged in my warrior since the end of Death’s Rising.

woot woot! love it but wait…Vengeance is the best tank in M+

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They’re just a troll mate, they seem to take serious offense at the idea that anyone would like to maximize their characters potential

I hate how good it feels to play fury only to see the numbers.

Unholy will get nerfed soon enough. They’re doing double everyone else’s dps right now…or so it feels like, anyway.

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Nah I can pull over 3.5k dps so I doubt it

Yeah it’s pretty nuts