Warriors Need Damage Buffs In PVP: An Essay

Hello Blizzard,

I’ve been playing a warrior for 5+ years now, both PVE and PVP. I have gotten 2k in 3s. I’ve gotten up to over 3k io in M+ by tanking as Prot. I’ve raided as Fury and Arms. I have always loved the class. I have always loved the fact that in a universe and world filled with magic users and powerful classes, we get to play a character that simply has to use his strength and wits to deal damage and survive.

This year, I am back to my PvP roots as I don’t have time nor the headspace to min-max to raid and push keys. I’ve pushed to 2k with a group this season. In this expansion (which is great btw), never have I ever felt more miserable and ignored as a class in terms of PvP. I feel like warriors have lost their flair and touch because the rest of the classes have evolved and have been over compensated for. And to address these problems, I boldly say that warriors need a buff in damage for PvP combat.

Let me go into detail. Let’s start off with the warrior basics of PvP. As a warrior, you have to be in melee range of a target to deal damage. Getting to this range between you and your enemy does not come easy. The enemy usually have some sort of mobility, snare, stun, root or fear at their disposal so that they can mitigate the damage that we warriors could deal. As a warrior, we have mobility and CC available for us as well to close this gap. We have to think and decide very carefully of when we use our CC or mobility paired with our offensive cooldowns so that we don’t fall behind in an arena setting. In 80-90% of our games, we have very limited time windows to do as much damage as we can while this melee range is happening.

That said, with the nerfs to Warrior damage, especially Fury, we can’t do meaningful damage even in these windows. Now, its really easy to blame it on the nerfs because they directly translate to the overall damage output that we do or lack but I also want to state that all the specs that we have difficulty going against; Hunters, Mages, Evokers, all have ways to mitigate this damage that we do in this window of when we could potentially deal damage. While that is fair, I think they have way too much. I just made a Devestation Evoker recently and I was very angry and surprised that they have not one but two charges of one of their defensives (Obsidian Scales). They also have another defensive called Renewing Blaze and to put the cherry on top, they can increase their Obsidian Scale’s effectiveness by 10% by simply choosing their most used Hero Talent Tree (Scale Commander). For Hunters, they also have not one but two charges of Survival of the Fittest and they can opt to heal themselves by clicking those two charges if the right talents are chosen. For Mages, I’m complaining not so much to their defensives but the sheer amount of roots and snares that they have.

These classes not only have great defensives and ultility to mitage damage but they do a great deal of damage as well when left unchecked. Devastation Evokers just melt through players no matter how much incoming heals the healer is trying to output. There were times when glass cannons had a meaning in World of Warcraft. Glass Cannons were specs that could produce high amounts of damage but the caveat was that they were squishy.

These days, these glass cannon specs are not squishy anymore but their high damage has remained the same. With the amount of nerfs done to Warrior, especially to Fury, hitting a Hunter or an Evoker and dealing very little damage to them is extremely discouraging and unrewarding.

As a warrior, we have to do meaningful damage to a target to remain competitive and to make an impact in an arena setting. With our damage nerfed and with no further utility provided to our team, we become burdens. You have also nerfed Storm Bolt by reducing the stun duration, furthur reducing the damage done by us to extreme kiter classes. The main problem is, we don’t do enough damage when we can do damage and it’s not compensated by our CCs either. Warriors are only useful when they can do damage. With the sheer amount of defensives, mobility, roots, snares, stuns, the meaningful damage that we can do is mitagated and to make things worse, you have nerfed that damage.

Arms still feel quite bad even with the buffs you have made. Fury is in shambles. We are outclassed with nothing to our name. For a quitessential class, Warrior was barely even seen in the AWC this year. It’s like you are guys are scared to make Warriors strong for some unknown reason. I don’t want it to be strong, I want it to be competitive. I want us to hit hard when we can and play defensive when we can’t close the gap.

Long story short, Warriors don’t need more mobility, nor more CCs. They simply need a damage buff. I’ve only come up with Fury buffs and some talent changes in the list below.

Solutions (Preferably 1 - 2 of these):

  1. Rebuff Storm Bolt duration to 5 secs.
  2. Rebuffing Odyn’s Fury by 10% for PVP Combat
  3. Increasing baseline damage of Raging Blow and Bloodthirst by 20% for PVP Combat.
  4. Increasing baseline damage of Rampage by 5 - 8% for PVP Combat
  5. Reverting Culling Cyclone back to 20% damage evenly split across all targets for PVP Combat.

Talent Changes:

  1. Single-Minded Fury: Make it baseline or just remove it please. I have not seen a single soul use it for PVP or PVE.
  2. The enrage on first hit on Fresh Meat talent should be baseline.

Please fix warrior. Thanks for listening and I really hope you all feel the same way as I do about the Warrior Class. Zug Zug


There is mold growing in my basement

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That’s just Efx’s mom.


This would only work in a world where they get kited 100% of the time. In reality warriora have great uptime on most specs.

“But muh mages and evokers” yea they kite absolutely everyone. You cant ask for balance passes based on two overtuned classes.

So a damage buff would just push warrior to s tier (what you are asking here) whemever they have uptime which is most of the time


buff warrior


I used to love chasing down clothies, now I run


was this written by an AI? i swear there are bots everywhere now wth

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Warriors are the most pathetic sook class in the game they don’t need anything except a Hanki to cry into.

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warriors are fine, the kiting is too strong for some specs that we end up with zero uptime, those need kit trimming, frost mage, BM, evoker mainly

Agreed and the frost mage root proc stopping Charge mid-way is too much. It shouldn’t do that.


Nobody does good damage.

Some people have cuhcuhcuhCRAZY burst.

Game is built around denying the other team the opportunity to play, and then dumping your cooldowns (called a ‘go’) into them unmitigated, and this is all done 99% of the time without communication or visual feedback on -any element- of the process.

The whole damn thing needs to be remade.


noob, mine has already spread to my room

the passive roots and aoe slows have to go too
can’t have infinite blinks, 3 roots, knockback, dragon breath, time warp, sheep, and passive slows and roots on every spell


That’s… No lol. A lot of classes like Rogue stay relivent even when their DPS numbers are on the lower end because of their great CC ability. You’re right, we have a LOT of mobility as it is. Damage helps yes, but i’d rather be a B+ / A tier spec because I do decent damage and have good CC, instead of just being a DPS bot that’s either OP or useless.

You NEED a good toolkit to stay relivent when nerfs inevitably happen to the S+ tier specs doing way too much dps. You can set up better dps / kill windows with a good toolkit on your own, as mage / rogue clearly shows. The reason warrior barely gets played in AWC is BECAUSE if they’re not overtuned in damage, they have nothing. Give us good tools. Damage is temporary, cc is forever.


I agree 100%, I hope they nerf that idiotic spec!

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i agree with this too but blizzard will never give us that. it’s just not the warrior playstyle. they either just give us more damage or make us useless by nerfing that damage.

What do you mean it shouldn’t do that you’re charging not phasing. ??? So if you charge and someone uses a cc, you should get ccs if your team decided not to prevent the cc.

Are you saying you want what DH have when they glide to be immune ??