This never happened and is something you’re literally just making up. I’ve literally been in Discord since our last AV 3hrs and 10 min ago and scanning the AH and memeing with my guild about the 5min chronos and SCROLL: UPDOG for 10k from Azill. I’m also on Horde Nightslayer as well and no books have been posted.
lol ok if u say so.
You need to try harder if you’re gonna troll/bait, you’re doing a bad job
pics or it didn’t happen
yup you got me im trolling not once did i look on ah and see it for myself. i also didnt get traded in AV cause im such a troll. yay for you guys for calling me out /clap. oh wait the only ones i see trolling are u clowns. good luck with it im done arguing. i saw and witnessed it with my own eyes. if u want to sit there and say my eyes are lying thats cool u do u. im out. iv waisted enough time arguing with u trolls.
Of course it’s true.
People have been on nightslayer the entire time looking for the books on the AH, as well as any other SoD only boe’s. You are ilterally making things up for attention and to trick people who don’t understand how the game works. Its low tier bait and bottom of the barrel trolling.
You can link any item from SoD in fresh, you know that right? I can link you atiesh on fresh rn doesn’t mean it exists
No you can’t. That makes no sense. You can link atlas loot, but mage manuals aren’t in alas loot. If there’s some script people can use that I don’t know about, ok whatever, but people aren’t mass using scripts to link mage manuals.
Click ruins of AQ and click class books in the bottom. Assuming you’re not trolling tell me your ingame name and ill whisper you all kinds of items
These kids gotta be trolling.
Is it just blind hate for blizzard they can’t admit they are wrong or maybe FOMO that they missed out on an exploit.
Weird seing so many people make stuff up.
You can link aq20 book from atlas, wtf are u talking about.
like I said in another thread, if the Dflask thing was true
Trading non conjured items cross-realm in BGs is disabled and has been since 2019. Explain how this works.
Literally just making stuff up with no proof
I’ve seen screenshots that definitely suggest some items (such as SoD Mage Scrolls) have made it into Anniversary servers. Which makes sense, since that is something that could feasibly drop from random NPCs in AV.
I haven’t seen any proof that anything more substantial (such as Darkmoon Cards or Skill Books) have made it. But who knows at this stage? I wouldn’t be surprised either way, but it doesn’t seem like it happened at-scale if it did.