Warrior Tanks, I could use some advice

Hey Carnagez,

I noticed a lot of people asking similar questions, so I put up a bit of a guide for low level (~40+) Warrior tanking. Would appreciate any feedback.

I mostly use some keybinds that are closer than my number keys, so don’t particularly use my stance bars that much. Having said that, I do use macros, and they are continuously evolving.

For example, for Shield Block, I might have something like:

#showtooltip Shield Block

/cast [stance:1/3]Defensive Stance; Shield Block
/stopmacro [equipped:shields]
/equip Shield_Name
/equip 1Hander_Name

And then similar things to change to other stances with other skills, as well as /startattack with a lot, instead of having to click the mob.

I usually charge in, toss out demo shout, and get some sunders up.

I think I could do everything manually other than swapping my 2hander to a 1hander and shield, though it would be more cumbersome.

/equip Shield_Name
/equip 1Hander_Name
/equip 2Hander_Name

I’ve had no issues at all tanking up to RFD as Arms. Tactical Mastery is really nice.