Warrior Question

Is there any point in gear level that I should swap from Fury to Arms? For reference, the warrior I’m referring to is the one I’m posting as.

“Should” is a strong word. At the top end of raiding, with some very specific gear and enough skill, Arms can outperform Fury. Your gear and the level of content you’re doing are no where near that top end. So I expect you’ll do better as Fury, unless you’ve given Arms a try and find you enjoy it a great deal more.

Well I’m trying to get my gear up there, but it’s proving to get a challenge just getting into M+ groups sadly. :frowning:

I have tried arms a bit and I like it well enough admittantly, but I get what you’re saying. Thanks for the input. :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t feel any pressure to switch if you’re doing well as Fury. I’m a Fury main and I’ve got Heroic Ny’alotha clears and M15 runs to my name. Fury doesn’t plateau at higher gear levels or anything. No, it’s Arms that shoots way up under very, very specific conditions. But lots of people look at what the top 1% are doing and try to copy that while ignoring all the pre-conditions needed to enable that playstyle.


Noted and thank you again!

To add to what Althiala said, Fury is more then Viable in Mythic raids too as despite Arms being better we are still in the top 3 Melee specs(we fluctuate with DH for the 2nd spot every week) and with amazing self healing we make our healers job easier.

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