Warrior MT (A) Herod LF Veteran Guild for launch

Edit: For now I am good. Thank you!

Hello. I’ll keep it short as possible. 32. I’m a Veteran WoW tank. Stopped in Legion after Hunter’s got a huge rework. Was maining Hpal PvP and Hunter atm.

I was a War MT back for my guild on Bloodscalp in 2005. Me and a best friend met a group of kids through a BRD run and clicked, so we left the guilds we were in and made a new one directly following that run. The only thing I didn’t experience was Naxx 40, and the only ones I know are playing is the best friend I originally started with, but can’t go hard because of a full family and busy job schedule.

I, however, am looking for an EST friendly guild on Herod. 3 nights a week would be nice. I have all the time to play. Late in the day (beginning time doesn’t matter) and up to 2am or so. Looking for something semi serious as I will be the kind who farms gear and mats constantly for raiding and once BiS for raiding will be switching to rep and mats until PvP ranking is releasing, then probably “try” for Rank 14 between raids. I say MT because I am completely and utterly dedicated, and my worth will prove itself. Not to mention, my first go around I was a literal 100% clicker and tanked the hell out of Vanilla. Was my first PC game so yea, clickity click. Anyways, if you are a veteran run guild and need an MT. I’m that MT. I offer dedication to those who also show it.

Check this out and see if it works for u

Hey man. I’m running a guild on herod alliance, MWF 8 to 11pm CST raid times. Seems like this would be right up your ally. I do however have to warn you that we are not “reserving” any spots, all spots are earned through dedication and effort put into leveling and gearing, which by the sound of it is what you are all about. If you want to talk further add me on discord: Magedaddy#4559

< Fran Aska > “From Ashes” Alliance | PvP Server: Herod | Semi-Hardcore | CST |


:crossed_swords: Focus :crossed_swords:
To have fun! A semi-hardcore Classic WoW experience. Designed to fit a working-person’s schedule. Fran Aska will have something for everyone including consistent raiding, PvP, or just chilling. Leadership will strive to be transparent, fair, and effective at making raiding goals and group play events a reality.

:crossed_swords: Raids :crossed_swords:
Progress & supporting raids Sunday/Mondays with a 8PM CST Start, with Saturday being for raid quests and attunements. Loot council will give drops to characters to benefit long-term progress. An alt is encouraged to enable more raids, splits, and scheduling flexibility. Attendance requirements will be more relaxed when compared to hardcore guilds.

:crossed_swords: PvP :crossed_swords:
Groups for days

:crossed_swords: Leveling :crossed_swords:
We are making 5 man leveling groups to boost the leveling process. We will assign a group based on your availability to play so a group can be on the same schedule.

:crossed_swords: Discord/Contact :crossed_swords:
We are looking for various levels of players: Officers, Raiders, PvP-er’s, and casual.

Message me on Discord: Meo#5613