Warrior mobility

It’s such a joke lol, the only way I’ve found to kite fury in 2s is to play 70% slow and diamond trap and then drop intim for explosive trap. Then play a slow pet to bait bloodrage and instantly reslow it. Then on top of that try to scatter or pretrap bolts. And even then if terrain bugs one of my knocks they still get uptime.

Pretty silly how it’s easier to get uptime as a warrior than it is to do damage as a BM hunter, and the only build that can kite fury can’t be justified taking in 3s.

2s context but I feel like into fury it’s NEVER going to stick since healer’s going to dispel tar trap root and bloodrage the steel trap every time. arms has equal annoyances considering they can avatar then bladestorm twice if they choose to do so

They’re still on you like glue if you mess one thing up while they’re frothing pressing mobility off CD with no afterthought

Perfect balance means you have the tools to dictate the entire fight and the enemy has no agency and no uptime?

Yeah. They really need to increase the cooldown of a lot of blanket CC on all classes / make some of them more conditional instead of just ‘stun button’.

If you are talking about Fury, then they don’t have access to Bladestorm. And, if you are talking about Arms, they don’t have two Heroic Leaps. And, Intervene could be considered a 4th gap closer for both Fury and Arms but it’s very situational. How do they get 5 ways to close gaps as a warrior anyway? What, do you think Bladestorm is a gap closer?

Also, you cannot use Bladestorm while stunned or under the effects of other loss-of-control abilities.

You, on the other hand, are playing a Subtlety Rogue, and based on the talents you chose, you have 2 Shadowsteps and 1 Sprint. If you pick the talent Maneuverability, your 2 min CD Sprint gets reduced to 1 min and, if you are running Improved Sprint, you can reduce Sprint’s cooldown to 30 sec. And whenever you use Shadowstrike while stealth, you get teleported behind your enemy. You have 2 stacks of Vanish which mean if you choose to, you can teleport twice behind your enemy with Shadowstrike while stealth. Subtlety Rogues, have 3 gap closers and potentially 5 with “Vanish + Shadowstrike”, or even 6 if you count the opening stealth.

What about Tar Trap with talent Entrapment to root again? And, Scattershot to relieve the pressure? Or even better, why not use Master’s Call which not only removes all root and movement impairing effects from both your pet and you but also gives you immunity to similar effects for 4 sec?

You can’t be complaining as a Hunter or a Subtlety Rogue about cc and mobility, I mean obviously, you can but it’s ridiculous.

Perfect balance would mean the player who manages their mobility better/outplays the other, gets distance until the next trade is available.

Therein lies the problem, current warrior can have the mobility management of a 1950s toaster and still stick to 90% of the classes in the game like glue.

If the hunter dev designed warriors you would have to choose between stormbolt/fear and double time/leap. If the opposite were true MM would have intim, knock trap, binding shot, and disarm at the same time. Imagine the tears.

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Not really. There’s a point where if a warrior is mismanaging their mobility and you’re playing well, they absolutely should not be able to stick to you.

Well that’s a bit of an apples to oranges comparison. Both classes have very different toolkits and capabilities

If you cant kite a warrior on a hunter you just need to practice.
Scatter their charges.
If you dont spec into steel trap you’re trolling, you also have entrapment root which is free from DR and is one of the most powerful things in the game.

Stop wasting your disengage. If you’re hitting it then getting charge+howled immediately after you’re doing it wrong.

Any good warrior knows that it’s pretty much impossible to stay on a hunter, druid, or shaman if they know what they are doing (techinically evokers with talent as well)

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You are not nearly qualified to say this.

Double time and stormbolt should be a choice node. Imagine if hunter had double disengage along with scatter lol.


Not with the game in its current state. That would probably unironically kill the class

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If the hunter dev designed warrior then warrior would have a 40-70 yard range and not have any need for the mobility tools they have access to.

Nah dude. warrior is middle of the pack. That means we have to nerf it more.

Double wizards being too strong is not a warrior problem, its a double wizard problem. Nerfing wizard is the correct action, not letting warrior continue to have more mobility then needed.


I wasn’t referring to double wizards specifically, every spec in the game has gotten mobility and cc creep and singling out warrior for that is silly

Is it? Warrior is the one that has gotten a big creep from SL to DF and it wasn’t struggling in SL.


their uptime is too high…

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DK: Double 40 yrd grip, double death’s advance, asphyxiate (all specs), blinding sleet (all specs), wraith walk, dragon stun, remorseless stun, death pact all available at the same time

DH: leech talent, netherwalk, chaos nova cdr, fel eruption, fodder and the hunt all available at the same time

Druid: Bash, mass root/vortex, maim, rake stun, renewal all available at the same time

Hunter: freezing trap, tar trap/tar trap root, intim, steel trap (for all specs), pet freedom, tracker’s net all available at the same time

Mage: Blink/shimmer, DB (all specs now), bone chilling, ice nova, two charges of frost nova, ring of frost, frozen orb/blizzard combo, master of time, blast wave (all specs now), slow (all specs now), displacement, all available at the same time

Monk: Tiger’s lust, chi torpedo/triple roll, lower cd leg sweep, ring of peace/song of chi-ji, tiger palm charge, double port, short incap all available at the same time

Pally: HoJ CDR, repentance/blinding light, unbound freedom/double freedom, divine protection/shield of vengeance, searing glare, double long steed available at the same time

Priest might be the only class that lost cc and mobility options, actually… but they did get phase shift which is extremely good into a lot of things, and they have thoughtsteal too for niche, powerful utility

Rogue has shadow dance (all specs), gouge (all specs), shadowstep (all specs, two for sub), grapple hook, blade rush, acrobatic strikes, cloak bop, vanish/shadow dance heal, disarm, smoke bomb, duel available at the same time

Shaman: lasso, cap totem, double cap totem/cap CDR, 30s root totem that also slows, hex, multiple knocks, burrow, grounding, tremor, purge all available at the same time

Lock can take coil/howl, shadowfury CDR, infernal stun, pact, demon skin, fel armor, soulburn, axe toss, shadow rift, port CDR at the same time

Not 100% equal across all specs of course (naturally it wouldn’t be), but warrior having two charges, a stun and a leap doesn’t really seem that crazy. If we want to take a second stun, we naturally have to give up other talent points that offer more damage, defensives, or utility. Fury lost bladestorm, both specs lost safeguard, and there’s always a tradeoff for PVP talents, like any other spec.

Clearly, every spec has a lot of tools going into this xpac and it’s not exclusively warrior who got mobility increases

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Why are you listing things that aren’t mobility/stickability? What kid of fried list is this and why does it have nothing to do with what we are talking about?


Because looking at kits as a whole is important??

Yet you didn’t list whole kits?

So did you want me to link every single ability in every class’s spellbook to point out that every class in the game has more cc, mobility and/or defensive utility going into this expansion or

No I just want you to do what you’re saying you’re doing. You said look at whole kits, yet you didn’t even do that and didn’t mention anything like warrior getting literally twice as many charges for free in comparison to SL.

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