Warrior is so bad

Exactly what people have been saying, this meme that warriors are hard to level so they need to be #1 raid dps rofl

I can’t continue to have a conversation with someone so clueless, sorry

Its a really good rune for soloing, I just wish 2H builds(Arms and/or 2h Fury) had a PvE rune for raiding. Quick Strike got buffed, but having played on the PTR a lot you’re not gonna be using it very often due to very little open GCDs.

It’s not really a conversation, it’s you playing the entitled class and you require it being top DPS.

I imagine since you’re playing it at 40% of what it can do it seems pretty weak.

What runes? Victory Rush and Endless Rage? Did you fight mobs 9 levels below you the whole way? I was better geared than I was leveling in 2019 and mobs I expected to quest against would either kill me or leave me on 5% hp so I couldn’t even use VR to chain pull. The leveling was awful, Endless Rage didn’t even help with the rage issues. Mobs having 2x their Era health pool was the laziest way to “make the world dangerous” they ever came up with.

Warriors do amazing while leveling just use Victory Rush and you have 0 downtime. You can also pull multiple mobs with sweeping strikes. At end game warrior scales the best out of all classes which is why warriors are bottom tier at phase starts, but climbs to the top after getting gear

The same applies in PVP once you get the gear set you are a wrecking ball especially with a good healer/defensive and offensive dispeller.


If you were talking about Era you’d be right. We did all our scaling already bud. We’re rage-capped (in spite of stance swapping every 8 seconds), we have enough crit to maintain flurry 90%+ of the time, there’s nothing left to scale bro. This is it.

Also, there’s no way you people keep coming in here to parrot warrior is good in pvp and then keep having to add “with a healer”. You know what other classes are good with healers? Literally all of them.

It feels like I’m arguing with people who have a caricature of what warrior is in their mind and no actual idea what they’re talking about.


that is not true

warrior has a break point where once it can cast heroic strike every swing to effectively remove -19% hit penalty and glancing blows, it does a lot of damage. After that it doesnt scale very much. Execute even has literally 0 scaling outside of extra rage being dumped. It has no AP or weapon damage coefficient and a 100 rage execute in green gear will do the same as in full Naxx gear.

The reason fury can move up as gear improves is Boss Kill Time. When a boss dies in the time frame of a deathwish youre doing 20% more dps the whole kill. Its not so much that warrior scales, as when a boss dies faster, you get more uptime on your primary DPS cooldown.

because you are

Nah that’s a cope, warriors kit currently is completely lackluster compared to the other classes. In standard questing gear a priest shouldn’t be able to pull 4 mobs and easily kill them, while a geared warrior is dependent on a 5min cooldown, consumables and lucky string of hits in order to do the same.

Without substantial +hit playing a warrior is more of a dice roll. Nothing like fighting green level mobs only to have 2 attacks parried, get knocked down, then have your execute miss and then you die to the group of mobs because you couldn’t heal with victory rush.

There’s really no excuse to have a class function in such a poor manner for solo play, they easily could have boosted it by having some of the new abilities be undodgeable, improve rage generation and tack on some lifesteal (I would kill for second wind). Balancing classes around full WB + consumes raid environment for parsing is such lazy inept nonsense.

I mained Feral all the way through Naxx in classic and even with the powershifting gimmick, it still felt better than warriors do right now in SoD.

Warrior is easily one of the best pvp classes at the moment. You literally cannot escape them and their damage is through the roof. Shaman, rogue, warrior. Those are the three best PvP classes in order. Mage is a joke in PvP.

I’ll just say this…at least in terms of PvP……good warriors are strong af. Poop warriors are a free kill. Add some support and those warriors become a beast as well.

Pick which category you want to fall into.

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I completely agree with this. I think world buffs in SOD should flat out disappear and the class tuning starts from there full stop.

It sucks that you cannot make warriors to be acceptable because they might be too strong to be world buffed and have a strong baseline.

I did some WSGs recently and I was forced to sink 400g into Stronger Hold Gauntlets afterwards because every crap warrior and hunter would disarm me.

Also give me Bladestorm

Most arms wars dont know what they are doing because there is no proper guide, or video about it and since people still doesnt understand they can think by themself. Im not going to tell ya how to play or gear up but my solution here would be to, get geared to compete, with minimum 2 piece t1 for all the course of sod

You are just bad. Look at wcl…

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Buff warriors

Are you stupid? Remove warrior and put hunter. Warrior is awful, our best spec is prot with glad stance which is a melee counter build and gets absolutely dumpstered by range. And I’m being generous calling it a melee counter.

Bro half your parses as ARMS are blue with some pretty low DPS(even for ARMS). I don’t think you really have much of a leg to stand on when telling ARMS warriors to just get better and more gear. I mean I’m not some parse monkey elitist but when I see statements like this from people with nothing to back it up I can’t help but roll my eyes.

I was able to get one of my week 1 parses at 100 playing as Arms. Not much later I go to fury because Arms does less DPS than most tanks and is far below the 2nd to last DPS. Its not even a spec and Zirene confirmed it has no support going forward. Warrior has 2 talent trees in SoD.

Warcraft logs dictates its DPS because you have thousands of parses. Your parse doesnt matter. My parse doesnt matter. I can see what DPS the top Arms warriors are doing and its terrible. So your point about “dont know what they are doing” is 100% wrong because we are using data from the best Arms warriors to conclude Arms does no damage.

And why would it? Mortal strike hits like a wet noodle. It does less damage on 0 armor targets than things like starsurge do lmao.